How to get rid of ants on plant roots?

Why do ants attack plants?

Ants are one of the most common pests in gardens and flower pots, although they do not cause direct damage to plants, An infestation of them can hinder their growth.

Ants are attracted to the sweet sap found in plants and if left unchecked, they can quickly multiply and take over.

Although we have to know that it is almost impossible to eliminate 100% of the ants that decide to settle in the plants, we have to remember that They are somehow beneficial to the garden since they help to aerate the soil, incorporate nutrients, disperse seeds, decompose organic matter and also in the pollination of some plants.

Equally, It is important to use natural ways to repel ants without destroying the plant ecosystem. Therefore, if you find ants in your garden or see them infesting the roots of your plants, it is important to take action to eliminate them before the damage becomes permanent.

Read on to find out how you can get rid of ants in plant roots safely and naturally.

Why do ants attack plants?

Ants infest gardens for two reasons, firstly, shelter and also food. If you find your garden plagued by a large mass of ants It means you have insects that feed on sap how to be: aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, Mites.

What you need to do is think about how to get rid of the pest presence and then the ant problem. By following the ants to their destination you will find out where the pests are and you will be able to eliminate them.

Ants usually build their colonies near the roots of plants., so it is important to not only kill the ants that are already present, but also to eliminate the rest of the colony. There are several ways to kill ants in the garden, and the best method depends on the type of ant and the number of ants present.

Effective methods to eliminate ants

Something that can help you is placing plants, which can be very useful as they work well to deter ants and can provide you with other benefits by having them in your garden. Among these options are:

Garlic is a great pest repellent.

Likewise, if you have a large number of ants, these plants alone will not be enough. You need to think about using natural remedies that are going to be safe for plants, pets and humans, but they will be really effective in reducing the number of ants.

Baits or sprays to eliminate ants from plants

Baits are the most effective method of killing large ant colonies, as they are placed on the ground near the anthill.
Once the queen ant eats the bait, she carries it back to the nest, where she kills the rest of the colony.

Ant traps are another effective method for killing large colonies of ants and can be used indoors or outdoors. Ant sprays are the most common method for killing ants and can be purchased from a plant supply store.

Eliminate ants with soap and water

Soap and water solution to eliminate ants

This method is very efficient and very simple, you soak the plants with a large amount of water and soap.

Water draws ants out of hiding in the soil, and soap (you can use a liquid dishwashing solution) creates an oily residue that makes it difficult for them to stay. Repeat the process every 7 days until the ants are completely gone.

Boiling water

This is another treatment that you can use. It is well known and can eliminate ants without damaging your plants, but do so carefully. You have to add boiling water every time you locate the entrance to the nest, not directly on the roots of the plant.

You can do this repeatedly until all the ants are killed, but be careful with the roots of the plants because it can affect them.

Lemon juice or vinegar

Diluting lemon juice with water 50-50 and spraying generously around the nest entrance can be a good option. Keep in mind that lemon destroys the scent trail that ants need to survive.

Vinegar works in a similar way to lemon, also adding 50% water. It will destroy the scent trail and often also kill the ants on contact.

First place the product in a small area, you have to wait a day to notice some burn marks on the plants since Vinegar can be very astringent on the more delicate leaves. It is important to test a small area and wait to see how the plant reacts.

How to prevent the return of ants?

Prevention in the garden to avoid ants

Once you've removed the ants from your garden and any remaining colonies from the roots of your plants, it's important to take steps to prevent them from coming back.

  • The best way to prevent them from coming back is to keep your yard clean and free of debris. This means regularly removing weeds, garden debris, and avoiding overwatering your plants.
  • You also have to Inspect plants, stems and leaves very carefully for new pests or diseases.
  • An important factor is to block any holes you find in your house or garden by creating a barrier. This can be done by adding a calcareous substance, such as baby powder.
  • Another point to keep in mind is move plants away from easily accessible places such as the windowsill.
  • You should also try to keep your garden free of food and water sources that ants are attracted to. If you have fruit trees or other plants that produce sugary sap, Apply a plant-based insect repellent to the leaves to deter ants from returning.

Therefore, if you have ants in the roots of your plants, it is important that you act to eliminate them before the damage becomes permanent.

We also have to understand that pests are common in the garden, and ants are one of the most common, but they don't have to be difficult to control.

By following these natural methods for controlling ants, checking your plants daily and keeping your garden clean, you can peacefully enjoy your space, free of pests, while taking care of the ecosystem.

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