How to get rid of bugs in orchid soil?

Orchid in bloom.

The Bugs in the land of orchids They are relatively common and are always a cause for concern, because these plants are sensitive to certain pests and none of us want them to be attacked.

Let's see what we can do to end this problem as quickly and easily as possible, and without causing any damage to our plant.

Bugs in orchid soil: which are the most common?

Orange orchids.

Pests are a major threat to orchids, as they can weaken and even kill them. Therefore, it is important that you thoroughly check the flowers, leaves, stems and soil in your care for this species to make sure there are no insects in sight.

The most common are these:

  • Mealybugs. They appear in the form of small cottony balls or brown scales. Although they are usually attached to the roots, stems and leaves, if you have noticed their presence in these parts of the plant we advise you to also check the substrate, because it is very likely that they are there too.
  • Aphids These small, soft-bodied insects gather in colonies and feed on orchid sap and tender shoots. When the infestation is very severe, you can even see them in the substrate.
  • trips They are winged and elongated insects that are normally hidden among flowers and leaves, but they can also be present on the ground.
  • Substrate mosquitoes. They are small mosquitoes that develop in moist soil and can damage the roots of the plant.
  • Mini centipedeAlthough they are not pleasant to look at, the truth is that they rarely become a pest and do not usually cause damage to the orchid. In fact, the work they do by decomposing organic matter can be good for the plant in terms of accessing nutrients.
  • earthworms They are considered "nature's gardeners" because they are responsible for decomposing organic matter and aerating the soil, so their presence is very positive for both orchids and other plants.

What to do if there are insects in the soil of orchids?

Orchid flowers.

Insects tend to appear in the substrate when it is moist. The measures you can take when you see them are the following:

Isolate the plant

Carefully check the soil, roots and also the above-ground parts of the plant for insects or signs of their presence, such as holes, droppings or discolouration on the leaves.

If you find signs that there may be a pest, immediately separate the orchid from the rest of the plants. to prevent the spread.

Manually removing bugs from orchid soil

If the problem is not serious, proceed to remove the top layer of soil and manually remove any insects you see.

Gently wash the roots with warm water to get rid of any insects that may be attached to them.

Substrate change

If the infestation is severe, you should consider completely changing the substrate.

Remove the orchid from the pot and remove all the old soil. Wash the roots to remove any remaining soil.

Then sterilize the pot To eliminate pathogens, fungi or insects, clean the pot thoroughly with a brush to remove any remaining soil, then clean with a solution of bleach diluted in water, or immerse the pot for 30 minutes in this solution. When finished, rinse with plenty of water to remove any residue.

Make sure the pot is completely dry before using it again. Then fill it with a quality substrate specially developed for orchids.

Since moisture buildup is one of the main causes of bugs appearing in orchid soil, make sure to use pots that have drainage holes and a light substrate that does not accumulate water.

Natural treatments

If you prefer to treat the problem in a natural way and without having to change the substrate, you have several options:

  • neem oil You can dilute it in water and apply it directly to the soil. It is not effective immediately, but in a few days you should start to notice that the presence of insects is gradually decreasing.
  • Insecticidal soap. It is useful against many types of insects, including those that tend to live on the ground.
  • Garlic or onion infusion. Boil some garlic or onion, let the water cool and water your orchids with it. It is useful because both foods repel certain insects.

How to prevent insects from appearing in orchid soil

Bicolor orchids.

If you don't want to have to deal with a pest infestation, it's best to take preventive measures:

  • Quarantine. When you add a new orchid to your collection, keep it away from other orchids for a few days. This will allow you to check that it is free of diseases and pests and thus reduce the risk of infection.
  • Suitable pot. Choose a pot for your orchid that has enough drainage holes. If you place a saucer underneath, be sure to remove it after each watering so that it does not accumulate water that can be reabsorbed by the plant.
  • Well-drained substrate. Make sure you use a well-aerated substrate with good drainage capacity. The best option is the one specific for this type of plants, but you can also mix universal substrate with a little sand.
  • Adequate watering. Avoid overwatering your orchid. Only water when you see that the top layer of the substrate is dry. Gently insert your finger into the soil, if you notice that the top layer is already dry, then you can water sparingly.
  • Good ventilation. It is important that the orchid receives enough air so that moisture does not accumulate around it.
  • Cleaning. Keep the area around your orchids clean, removing fallen leaves and debris that could become food for insects or a source of fungal infection.

Bugs in orchid soil are the order of the day, but now you know how to prevent their presence and also what to do if they become a pest.

Phalaenopsis are orchids that bloom in spring
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