What is the limpet scale and how to combat it?
Do you know the limpet scale? We tell you how to treat it if it has become a pest in your plants and we help you prevent it.
Do you know the limpet scale? We tell you how to treat it if it has become a pest in your plants and we help you prevent it.
Knowing camellia diseases will help you treat and prevent them so that it grows beautiful and healthy for years.
Getting rid of ants is something that requires a little care, following these natural methods is ideal for taking care of plants and pets.
Have you ever seen mini centipedes in your flower pots? Here's what they're doing there and whether you should worry about them or not.
Discover how pheromones revolutionize agriculture, controlling pests and reducing pesticides in crops. Learn about their advantages now!
Find out how to identify and eliminate thrips on your Monstera with effective methods such as potassium soap. Click here to learn more.
Do you know the main diseases of oleanders? We teach you how to identify them and tell you how to heal your plant
There are effective methods to eliminate leafcutter bees from the garden. They are great pollinators. The idea is to keep them away, not kill them.
Are you wondering why bougainvillea has wrinkled leaves? Come in because I'm going to tell you what the causes are and their solutions.
Find out how to get rid of the elephant ear spider mite, and what to do with the plant after treating it.
Discover how to eliminate pests from plants with easy and accessible remedies for all budgets and experience levels.
We explain how to eliminate ants from the soil of plants in an easy, ecological and safe way with common products
Ficus lyrata may appear with brown leaves, investigating the causes and solutions will cure it completely. Find out about them!!
The money plant requires some care as it has some specific diseases that you can learn about to prevent.
We explain how to eliminate mold in the soil of plants so that your pots are healthy all the time
Do you know what the main problems of crops in summer are? We explain some of the reasons why your crops die
Do you want to know how to prevent and treat the most common pests in Spathiphyllum? We give you all the keys to recover your plant.
We will tell you which are the 4 common pests of indoor plants and how you can prevent each of them.
We teach you how to prevent and treat the most common pests in peonies, so you can avoid further damage.
We teach you how to eliminate the fly from the substrate naturally with these remedies that are totally safe
We tell you everything about the red weevil and the Paysandisia Archon and their distribution in Spain so that you know the threat
Knowing how to apply potassium soap to plants is essential to be able to enjoy its beneficial effects without…
If you have a garden or garden, knowing the spring pests is important to be prepared so that nothing and no one can destroy your plants.
Cypress pests and diseases that you should know so you can learn how to combat and prevent them all.
We explain why pineapple is an ecological insecticide for cockroaches and how to use it for maximum effectiveness.
We tell you everything about biological pest control so that you know what it is, how it is applied and how many types there are.
Among the different pests that can affect trees, the borer is one of the most complex to treat.
Red gum diseases can cause this tree to not develop the way it should.
Do you know the common diseases of the Japanese maple? Find out which are the usual ones and what to do if you have an affected specimen.
We present 4 of the pests that attack sweet potatoes most frequently and explain how to combat them to take care of your sweet potato.
Learn about the different wild olive pests that your tree or bush can contract so you know how to treat it.
What are weeds called? We explain in detail what these weeds consist of, how to recognize them, their pros and cons.
Bromeliad problems and solutions ✓ All the care tricks you need to know so that your plant is healthy and beautiful
Do you want to get rid of midges, flies, mosquitoes and others on plants? Discover the home remedy for mosquitoes on plants
Discover the necessary care for the Joy of the house and tips to prevent diseases in this beautiful plant.
If you have plants, you probably want to keep ants away from them, but do you know how to eliminate ants from the garden once they arrive?
Do you want to know what snails eat? Here we explain it to you and discuss how to prevent them from infesting your garden.
Do you want to know what rosemary diseases are? Here we talk about them and explain how to treat and prevent them.
What do you know about olive verticillium wilt? We tell you about this disease that is so harmful to olive trees as well as to other crops and plants.
Find out here what are the damages caused by excess nitrogen in plants, and how you can recover them. Enters.
Find out why plants drop green leaves, and what you have to do to stop losing them.
Diseases of the aquatic Pachira? We tell you what the usual ones are and what you could do to try to save her from them.
Do you want to know how to treat apple tree mottle? Enter here because we are going to teach you the best tips and tricks!
Is your aloe vera turning brown and you don't know what's wrong with it? Enter here and we will tell you what the causes and their treatment are.
Do you want to know what is the treatment of Psila africana? Here we teach you everything you need to know.
Do you need to know what are the diseases of orchids? Enter here because we explain everything in detail.
Does your monstera have brown leaves? Here I explain the possible causes and what measures you should take to improve it. Enters.
Does your magnolia tree have brown leaves? Enter here and we will tell you what the possible reasons are and how to solve them.
Is your money plant wilted? Enter and we will tell you why and everything you have to do so that you can recover it.
Enter here to learn how to use vinegar for gummosis. Know what the benefits are and how to avoid it.
Do you want to learn how anthracnose affects walnut? Here we tell you how to identify and combat it. Enters!
Do you know the diseases of the trunk of the apple tree? And how are they treated? Discover some of the most common and their treatment.
Does your Dracaena marginata have drooping leaves? Enter here to find out why it happened, and what you have to do to get it back.
Find out what the pests of the pear tree are and what you can do to combat them, thus getting your tree to recover as soon as possible.
Do you want to know why brown spots appear on peppers? Here we explain everything in detail.
Does your Strelitzia augusta have brown leaves? If so, here we will tell you the possible causes and how to treat it.
If your petunias are sticky and you don't know what's causing it, don't worry. Come in and we'll help you identify it.
Do you want to know what are the diseases of chard? Here we talk about them, how to prevent them and how to make home remedies.
Do you want to know what the most frequent melon diseases are? Here we talk about them, about pests and about other alterations.
Do you want to know what signs a sick zamioculcas has? Then discover all the situations that the plant can go through.
Find out what is the pest that makes holes in the leaves of plants and what you have to do to prevent the problem from getting worse.
Do you want to know how to treat rose rust effectively? Here we tell you some of the best home remedies for it.
Would you like to know what the prickly pear disease is called? Enter here and we will also tell you how you can treat it.
Find out everything about rose mildew, a very common disease that, if not detected in time, can be fatal to the plant.
We tell you in detail what lettuce diseases are and what should be done to treat them in time. Learn more here.
If you have a privet hedge, do you know what problems it may have and how to solve them? We make a list of the most common and their solution.
Do you want to know what is the treatment against the white aphid? Here we explain different home remedies for it.
Here we explain why the plants look droopy and what you have to do to make them beautiful again.
Do you want to learn how to eliminate the red spider in rose bushes? Here we show you the best tips for it.
Discover here everything about the ocher spot of the almond tree, a fungal disease that causes the appearance of spots on the leaves of the tree.
What to do if the leaves of the orange tree are yellow? If you want to find out, enter to know the causes and their treatment.
Would you like to know how to recover a trunk from Brazil with yellow leaves? If you are worried about not having a clear idea of what to do, do not hesitate to enter.
Find out what the peppermint pests are, the damage they cause and, most importantly, how to treat them.
What are the diseases that cause the olive tree to have yellow leaves? If you are curious, here we tell you.
Enter here to find out what the diseases of the fir tree are, and what you can do to try to recover it.
Do you have an orchard with crops attacked by diseases? We tell you what are the best home remedies against powdery mildew.
Does cypermethrin ring a bell? Here we explain what it is, how it is used to fumigate and how long it lasts on plants.
Do your plants have yellow spots on the leaves? Here we tell you what the possible causes are and we explain what to do.
Does your plant have claw-shaped leaves facing down? Enter here and you will know the reasons and what measures you must take to recover it.
Learn what the diseases of walnut trees are, the symptoms they may have and what you should do to improve them.
Do you want to know what are the uses of laurel as an insecticide? Here we explain what insects it repels and how to apply it correctly.
If you like blackberries and want to grow them, find out here what the most common mulberry diseases are and how to care for this plant.
We tell you what are the best tips and tricks to learn how to eliminate woodworm with vinegar. Learn more here.
What do you know about Anthurium and diseases? We give you a list of some of the most common and help you solve the problem.
Are you thinking of growing coves? Here we explain what they are, what care they require and what are the pests and diseases of coves.
What are the pests and diseases of the trunk of Brazil? If you are curious, enter here to know them all.
Do you have a monstera with yellow leaves? Enter here to know the causes and everything you have to do to recover it.
What vine diseases do you know? We make you a guide to the most common and what you can do to treat your crops.
We tell you step by step what the main diseases of Adam's rib are and how you should solve them.
We tell you step by step the most important tips to learn how to get rid of a nest of cockroaches in the home.
Discover how to eliminate the fly from humidity, with home and chemical remedies. In addition, we tell you why it appears. Enters.
We tell you in detail what are the best tricks to eliminate green worms in plants. Learn more here.
The green almond midge is a pest that can greatly weaken plants. Enter and we will tell you how to remove it.
Do you want to know what cryptogamic plant diseases are? Here we explain it to you and talk about some examples.
Yellow leaves are a symptom that can be caused by various reasons. Enter to find out what to do to get your plant back.
Do you want to eliminate a wasp nest but don't know how to do it? Here we give you some solutions that you can apply if you are in a transit area.
What are tomato diseases due to excess moisture and how are they treated? If your plants are bad, come in and we'll tell you how to save them.
Do you want to grow oranges? You should know about orange tree diseases to keep your crop safe. Here we talk about them.
Do you have a problem with the infestation of aphids? Here we explain what they are and how to eliminate the aphid with Fairy.
Do you want to know which potho diseases are the most common? Here we explain how to detect them and how to treat them.
Do the leaves of your plants begin to have discolored spots? They may have yellow spider. Enter and discover how to eliminate this pest.
Do you want to know what the most common orange tree pests are? Here we talk about the most frequent and how to combat them.
Why do lemon tree leaves wrinkle? Enter here to know what the causes are and how you can recover it.
Do you have a tomato plant with yellow leaves? Here we explain what this may be due to and how to recover the tomato plant.
Is your lemon tree suffering from a mealybug infestation? Here we explain what these insects are and how to eliminate the mealybug from the lemon tree.
Is your geranium not healthy? Here we talk about the most common pests and diseases of geraniums and how to treat them.
Find out which ones are the rose pests: the damage they cause and how to treat the plants so that they recover as soon as possible.
Does your lemon tree have yellow leaves? Enter here to find out what the causes are and what you have to do to recover it.
Do you have a camellia with brown leaves and would you like to know what to do to get it back? Enter here and we will tell you how to achieve it.
Do you want to know how to combat Botrytis in onions? Here we explain what this disease is and how to eliminate it to cure your onions.
Do you want to know how to eliminate fruit flies? Here we explain the procedure and how to prevent them.
Do you have a yucca with yellow leaves? You don't know what's wrong and you don't want to lose your plant? We tell you what the reasons are and their solution
We tell you what are the best tricks to learn how to eliminate weevils. Learn how to get rid of these insects.
Find out why plant leaves wrinkle and what you have to do to get them back to their normal appearance.
We tell you the best tips and tricks to learn how to eliminate the green bug at home. Learn more about this insect.
Do you want to know more about anthracnose in tomato? Here we explain what its symptoms are and how to treat it.
Would you like to know why brown spots appear on the leaves of plants? If so, enter and we will also tell you how to recover them.
What are the diseases of dipladenia? If you suspect something is wrong with her and would like to get her back, go inside.
Do you think something is wrong with your quince tree? Find out here what the most common quince pests and diseases are and how to treat them.
We tell you how to remove white mold from plants and what you should take into account for it. Learn more here.
Do your plants have pests and you want to know which is the best homemade insecticide that exists? Come in and find out.
Do you want to know more about magnolia diseases? Here we talk about the most common and how to treat them.
Find out what you can do to eliminate marijuana whiteflies, and what steps to take to prevent them from coming back.
We tell you in detail what are the main diseases of the lady of the night and their characteristics. Learn more here.
Learn about the different types of woodworm that most affect wood, and everything you can do to eliminate them.
Have you ever heard of oak galls? Find out why they appear on this tree, what they are for and how to avoid them.
We tell you what are the best home remedies to learn how to eliminate termites and woodworm. Do not miss it!
They are insistent, and can cause serious problems. Enter and discover how to eliminate mosquitoes from plants so that you can enjoy them again.
The citrus leaf miner is a pest that attacks these crops. Learn to remove them effectively. Come in now!
Enter to know how to avoid fungi in plants, taking easy-to-apply and very effective measures. Do not miss it.
What are the types of aphids that most harm plants? Enter to meet them and discover how to combat them.
Learn all about the weevil, an especially serious pest for agaves, but it also affects many other plants.
Do you think they can have soil nematodes? Here we explain what they are, what damage they cause to plants and how to control and prevent them.
Do you know the most common pests and diseases of the rose bushes of these plants? We list them so that you are aware of them.
What are the best home remedies for whiteflies? If your plants have this pest, enter here and discover how to eliminate it.
Find out why black leaves are put on plants and what you have to do to make them recover as soon as possible.
In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about rosebush powdery mildew and how you should treat it. Learn more here.
Do you know which are the most common boxwood diseases? Discover the ones that can affect this shrub the most and how to treat them.
There are plant diseases that can be lethal to them, such as fire blight of the pear tree. Find out more here.
In this article we tell you everything you need to know about white mold in plant soil and how to eliminate it.
Do you know that indoor plants can get sick too? Find out what are the common indoor plant diseases
Do you have a spider mite at home and you don't know what to do? Here we explain the damage caused by this mite and how to combat it at home.
Find out what are the symptoms and treatment of tomato powdery mildew, a disease that can cause significant damage to these plants.
There are many grapevine diseases, but some of them are much more frequent. Find out what they are, the symptoms and possible treatments.
Have you seen rolled leaves on the plants you grow? Enter here and discover the possible causes, and what is their treatment.
Pseudomonas are bacteria that can cause a lot of damage to plants. Enter here and discover what they are and how to treat them.
Phytopthora ramorum is a lethal enemy for many plants. Enter and know what are the damages it causes and how it can be treated.
Oomycetes are organisms that can do a lot of damage to plants. Enter here and you will learn about the damages they cause and how they are treated.
Do you have almond trees at home and the strange notes? Take a look at Almond Tree Diseases and see if your tree is sick and how to cure it.
Do you want to know what Ostrinia nubilalis is? Discover this pest that not only affects corn, but many more varied crops.
We tell you everything you need to know about when to copper tomatoes. Learn more about it here.
Here we give you the best tips to learn how to eliminate bugs from the soil of plants. Learn more about it here.
Know in depth everything you need to know about the big-headed worm plague and its control. Here we explain everything in detail.
Have fungi appeared in the soil of the plants you are growing and would you like to know how to eliminate them? If so, do not hesitate: enter.
What are citrus pests and how are they treated? Find out here everything about them: the damages they cause, how they are treated, and much more.
Are there mosquitoes on the plants you grow? Enter here and you will discover EVERYTHING you can do to eliminate them.
Do you want to know what are the laurel diseases? Enter here and you will know its characteristics, symptoms and its treatment.
Are Flying Ants Harmful To Your Garden? In this article we tell you everything you need to know about them.
Olive tree prays is one of the most common pests that can affect this fruit tree, but how do you combat it? Here we tell you. Enters.
Enter to find out why the tips of the leaves of the plants dry out, and everything you can do so that the problem does not get worse.
Did you know that there are several tomato diseases that can leave you without a harvest? Enter and we will tell you everything about them.
In this article we tell you everything you need to know about centipedes and their role in crops.
What are the physiopathies in citrus fruits and what to do to make them produce healthy fruits again? Enter and we will tell you.
We tell you everything you need to know about peach tree leprosy and its characteristics. Learn more about it here
Are you worried about brown leaves on plants? If they have started to get like this and you don't know why, come in and we'll tell you what to do.
We tell you everything you need to know about the natural insecticide known as pyrethrin. Learn more here.
We tell you everything you need to know about the chestnut wasp and its characteristics. Learn more about this pest here.
Do you want to know what are the pests of cacti? Enter and we will tell you in detail how they are, the damage they cause and much more.
All pests can be fought. In this case, we are going to talk about the white worm. Do you want to know how to identify and combat them?
Learn about olive tree pests: their characteristics, the symptoms and damage they cause, and most importantly: how to treat them.
We tell you which are the main pear tree diseases and their symptoms. Learn more about it here.
In this article we will tell you all the characteristics, life cycle and control methods of Sesia apiformis.
How to revive a dry, drowned or yellow-leaved Brazilwood? If your plant has a problem, come in and we will help you recover it.
Plants are vulnerable to Rhizoctonia infections. But do not worry: enter and you will know how to prevent it, and much more.
Learn about the different types of ccohinillas that plants most often have, the symptoms and damage they cause, and how to eliminate them.
We tell you in detail the entire biological cycle and the usefulness of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri as a biological pest control.
We tell you everything you need to know about Diglyphus isaea and its characteristics. Learn more about this parasitic insect.
Do you want to know why rosemary turns yellow? Are you worried that it has stopped growing? Then come in and we will help you.
Do you suspect that your plants are being attacked at night by worms? Enter and we will tell you how you can repel or eliminate them.
We tell you in depth everything you need to know about Phytoseiulus persimilis, a mite used to control red spider mites.
In this article we tell you everything you need to know about the Helicoverpa armígera plague and its characteristics.
In this article we will tell you the characteristics and operation of Roundup, one of the best herbicides in the world.
We tell you in detail how you should recognize Verticillium and some prevention techniques. Learn more about this disease.
Baking soda has several uses in gardening, as it has anti-fungal and insecticidal properties. Find out how to use it safely.
These parasites that can cause serious problems to plants. But not with these treatments. Enter and discover how to combat mites on plants.
Enter and discover how to eliminate ants from plants, in a simple, ecological and homemade way. Say goodbye to these insects!
They are insects that can cause significant damage to our plants, eating all their leaves in a matter of days. Find out how to repel grasshoppers.
Our plants can be affected by many pests, and one of them, thrips, is one of the most damaging to them. Find out how to fight them.
How to cure fungi on plant leaves? If you have them sick, come in, we will help you solve the problem.
They are not very welcome animals, not in vain the poison of some of them is very dangerous. Enter and discover how to keep the snakes out of the garden.
Have you found any bitten leaves? If you are concerned that there may be biting insects, come in and we will tell you how to eliminate locusts from my plants.
In this article we tell you everything you need to know about the characteristics of the Aspergillus niger fungus and how it affects plants.
We tell you everything you need to know about nematodes and pests in crops. Learn more about these organisms and how to eliminate them.
In this article we will tell you all the characteristics, damages and control measures of the Zeuzera pyrina plague. Learn more about this insect.
Gummosis is a fungal disease that affects woody plants, especially trees. Find out how to treat it.
Are you seeing that your rose bushes and other plants are being attacked by a species of beetle? This is the Oxythyrea bane, enter and discover this pest
Are you seeing in your garden that many vegetables and fruit trees are full of plagues? If so, enter and discover dimethoate, a great insecticide.
Are you worried that your lawn is affected by dangerous pests that are as common as the typical ones? If so, come in and take a look!
If you have potatoes planted in your garden, you should know that there is a powerful beetle, the potato beetle, and that it is very aggressive.
We teach you all the characteristics, habitat, feeding, reproduction and importance for agriculture of the wolf spider.
In this article we will tell you all the characteristics of the praying mantis and how it helps us in the crops with pests.
We tell you the characteristics, habitat and feeding of rats and mice and some tips to scare them away from your garden.
The black fly is an insect that quickly reaches the pest dimension. Enter and we will tell you what are the damages it causes, and how you can eliminate it.
Pythium is a parasitic fungus that damages the roots of plants. Enter and we will tell you the symptoms and all the measures you can take to protect them.
Have you noticed that the leaves of your plants and trees have like little black specks? If so, they are infected with Septoria. Put a brake on it!
In this article we will show you the characteristics of the vole, its habitat and possible population controls of this crop pest.
What is the mummification of the fruits? And how is it prevented? If you want to know everything about this curious symptom, do not hesitate to enter.
In this article we will show you all the characteristics, biological cycle, symptoms and treatment of the olive milkweed plague.
We show you all the characteristics, biological cycle and treatment of the Frankliniella occidentalis plague. Learn more about it here.
Learn all about the Xylosandrus compactus beetle, a potential enemy of 225 plant species, mostly trees.
Are your plants being invaded by these insects? Enter and discover how to eliminate ants from the garden naturally.
Discover pheromone traps, very effective products to control insect populations naturally.
The mole cricket is one of the most curious insects in the animal kingdom. But it can also be dangerous for plants. Enter and we will tell you how to fight it.
Do you have problems in your garden and in your orchard because of the corrugated mealybug? Enter and discover how to remedy it!
You have medlar trees planted in your garden and you are seeing that their leaves are changing color. Enter and discover the diseases of the medlar. Convatelas !!
Does your plant have black spots on the leaves and you don't know why? Come in and find out what she has and how you can help her recover.
If you have a small tobacco plantation and its leaves are getting weaker, it may be due to the tobacco mosaic virus. Find out !!
If you have a garden or a field full of futal trees, you should keep the Anarsia lineatella insect away from them. Enter and discover how to do it !!
In this article we will show you what are the characteristics and treatment of the borer plague. Learn how to remove it here.
Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) is a fungus that affects crops and people. Learn all about its properties here.
The Armillaria mellea fungus attacks many trees and ends up destroying them. Learn all about this disease in this article.
One of the most dangerous pests that we can find is fire blight, caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora. Enter and discover how to stop it!
We tell you all about graphiosis. From what are the symptoms and the origin of the disease, to how to eradicate it. Do not miss it!
In this article we explain in great detail the life cycle, the main characteristics and how to fight aphids in your garden.
In this post we explain in detail what are bacterial diseases in plants, how to identify them and how to treat them. Do not miss it!
In this article we will tell you about the characteristics and life cycle of the weevil. In addition, we teach you how to prevent and what damage it causes.
In this article we will show you the characteristics of alternariosis as well as learn to identify it and what you should do to treat it.
In this article we teach you everything you need to know about the earwig plague. Enter here to learn more about this insect.
We teach you everything you need to know about the San José louse. Learn about its life cycle, treatment, and characteristics here.
One of the bacteria that most affects plants is Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Enter and we will tell you what are the symptoms it causes and how to prevent it.
Do you need an effective whitefly remedy? Then do not hesitate: come in and we will tell you which one is the best and why.
Enter to find out what apple tree pests are, and also discover what you can do to treat and / or avoid them using natural products.
Enter to learn all about the Corythucha ciliata, a sucking and defoliating insect that can cause many problems for plants.
Do you have any Iphiclides feisthmelii in your garden? If you grow Prunus, feel free to go inside to avoid unforeseen events that are not too pleasant.
Enter and discover what are the pests of the almond tree and what products you can use to get your tree to recover as soon as possible.
Enter to learn how to treat olive wood scale, a very common pest in temperate and warm regions that can cause a lot of damage to plants.
Enter to learn all about Fosetil-al, one of the most effective fungicides that can help plants fight diseases.
The red aphid is an insect that can cause significant damage to plants, especially horticultural plants. Enter and discover how to avoid it.
Do you think your plants have mildew? If spots or a whitish / greyish powder have appeared on your leaves, go inside to help them recover.
Does your plant have cobwebs and yellow dots? Discover how to choose the best insecticide for the spider mite with which you can protect it from this pest.
Enter and discover what are the diseases of the peach tree and what you can do to prevent your tree from being affected.
The miner is a larva that, when feeding on the leaves, destroys them. Find out how to avoid causing problems for your plants.
Enter to know how to make a homemade insecticide for plants with products that you probably have in the kitchen. Do not miss it.
Does your plant have any pests? Before doing anything, go in to learn all about chlorpyrifos, one of the most common insecticides.
Does your plant have any pests? Enter and we will tell you what are the characteristics of imidacloprid, as well as its most frequent uses.
Find out what are the symptoms and damages caused by the red palm weevil, and how to prevent your palm trees from being affected by it.
Ketonia is a type of beetle that, if left unchecked, can cause a lot of damage to plants. Enter and we will tell you how to avoid it.
Discover how to protect your trees from olive tree tuberculosis, a bacterial disease that can kill your plants in a short time.
The Asian wasp is an insect that, due to its colonizing potential and its particular diet, can be dangerous. Enter and discover everything about her.
Find out what you can do to repel the red bug, an insect that can cause damage to cauliflower and cabbage if not avoided.
Do you grow vine? Enter and discover everything about erinosis, one of the diseases that can most affect it. Do not miss it.
Did you know that the monilia of the almond tree is one of the most harmful diseases of this fruit tree? Enter and we will tell you what you can do to prevent its appearance.
One of the most common pests that plants have is aphids. Do yours already have it? Come in and prevent me from killing them.
Did you know that Tortrix viridana is one of the pests that most affect Quercus? Come in and we will tell you what to do to prevent them from affecting your trees.
Does your plant have its leaves covered by a black powder? Well, do not hesitate: come in and we will tell you how to eliminate the bold fungus.
The Cydia pomonella or apple moth is one of the most frequent pests that affect fruit trees. Come in and we'll tell you how you can treat it.
Does a gray mold appear on your plants on leaves, stems and / or fruits? Prevent botrytis from causing problems by following our advice.
Phytopthora is one of the fungi that causes the most damage to plants. Enter and we will tell you what are the symptoms and damage it produces, and how it is treated.
The carrot fly is an insect that in the larval stage can cause many problems for the crop. Enter and we will tell you how to detect it.
The cluster moth is an insect that causes many problems to the vine. Enter and discover how you can avoid ruining your harvest.
Would you like to know what are the onion diseases? If so, do not hesitate: come in and we will also tell you how they are treated.
Onion mildew is a disease that can cause serious problems for the farmer. Enter and we will tell you how to avoid it and eliminate it.
Would you like to know what iron chlorosis or lack of iron means in plants and what could happen to them without this nutrient? Come in and find out.