Leprosis on lemon tree

What is explosive citrus leprosy?

Does your fruit tree begin to have chlorotic circular spots on leaves and / or fruits? Enter and we will explain what explosive citrus leprosy is and what you can do to treat it.

Healthy root ball

How to know if the roots are rotten

How to know if the roots are rotten? If you have a plant that is not growing lately and looks sad, come in and we will tell you what to do to help it.

Potato mildew

In this post we are going to teach you how to recognize potato mildew and how to treat it in the case of infection. Do you want to know how?

Mosquito, learn to repel it

How to drive away insects?

We explain how to drive away insects naturally, without chemicals that harm the environment and harm health.

orange trees are often sick

Orange tree diseases

Next we are going to show you the different diseases that the orange tree has. Would you like to learn more about it? Keep reading.

Liquid milk to eliminate fungi

Home remedies for fungus

To protect plants there is nothing like using natural products. Enter and we will tell you the most effective home remedies for fungi.

Citrus limon with fruits

Lemon tree pests and diseases

Enter to know what are the pests and diseases of the lemon tree and how to treat them to avoid problems in this fruit tree so loved in the kitchen.

Ants on a leaf

Home remedies against ants

Do you have an infestation of these insects in your home and / or garden? Come in and try the home remedies against ants that we suggest. They do not fail. ;)

Ticks prefer humid areas

How to remove ticks from your garden

It is important to control fleas and ticks in the garden. Here we are going to show you some guidelines to eliminate them. Do you want to know more about it?

Chromatic pest traps

Prevention of pests in plants

We offer you a series of tips on preventing pests in plants. Find out how to prevent your flowers from being affected.


Why do conifers turn brown?

Do you have a hedge and it is drying out? Find out why conifers turn brown and what you can do to prevent and fix it.

Vine with phylloxera

What is vine phylloxera?

Vine phylloxera is one of the most terrible pests that vineyards can have. We tell you what its symptoms are and how to prevent it.

rose bushes and their diseases

Rose diseases

We must be careful, since our roses can be threatened by many types of diseases. Do you want to know what you are up against?

Mouse eating

How to drive away mice?

Are there rodents in your garden? Don't worry: we teach you to scare away mice with completely harmless products.

mold on plants

Why does mold grow on plants?

To be able to talk about why mold grows on plants, we must know in detail that mold is a fungus and that it does not only appear indoors.

different potato diseases

Potato diseases

There are a large number of potato diseases, so it is necessary to know about each one in order to take action.

Phytophthora fungus on bromeliad

How to remove fungi from plants

These microorganisms proliferate very quickly, so to avoid causing further damage we explain how to eliminate fungi from plants.

Cyca with mealybugs

Why do plants have pests?

We tell you why plants have pests, and what you can do to keep them healthy and strong for as long as possible.

dry and dead plants

How to recover dead plants?

The problems that cause our plant to die are excess or lack of sun, dry weather or lack of nutrients in the soil.

Cinnamon, a good rooting agent for your plants

How to make a homemade fungicide

If you want to protect your plants with natural remedies, do not hesitate to enter. We will explain how to make a homemade fungicide. ;)

yellow cyca

Why are my plants yellow?

Providing them with the best care is not easy. If you are wondering why my plants are yellow and how to recover them, do not hesitate to enter.

Ants on a leaf

How to eliminate ants?

How to eliminate ants effectively? We propose a series of home remedies so that you can keep them away from your plants.

vine mildew affecting the crop

Downy mildew of the vine

What is vine mildew, how can we prevent it, the symptoms that we can notice and some treatments to avoid them in our crops

Leaves of the Dioscorea plant

How to recover a withered plant?

Did you forget to water and have you come across a withered plant? Find out how to get it back. Enter and you will see how, little by little, it will recover.

Spider mite damage on a leaf

How to eliminate spider mites

It is one of the most common pests that can affect plants. To prevent them from harming them, we will tell you how to eliminate the red spider.


Plagues and diseases

Discover the pests and diseases for the development of our crops, plants and flowers, in order to avoid future damage.

Chinese moth against boxwood

Chinese moth against boxwood

It follows that its spread is due to the commercial exchange of infested plants and that this is considered a pest that has devastating effects.

rosebush bee

Rose Leaf Cutter Bee

Meet the famous Rose Leaf Cutter bee and learn about its habits and differentiate it from the false rose bush caterpillar.

aphids on tomatoes

The aphid pest in tomato crops

This pest must be controlled as soon as possible and since it is a pest that spreads rapidly throughout the plant and consumes its sap.

Healthy root ball

How to avoid root rot?

Root rot is one of the most common problems our plants have. Enter and we will tell you how to avoid it.

algae, moss, and lichens can be beneficial

Algae, lichens and mosses

As much as one tries to say that algae, lichens and mosses are responsible for the disease of various plants and trees, this is not true.

mealybug infestation

What are mealybugs?

Know what mealybugs are, what they can do to our plants and best of all, learn how to eliminate this fearsome pest of insects.

Cacyreus marshalli adult stage

How to eliminate the geranium worm

The geranium worm is one of the most harmful pests that affects this plant. Learn to identify it and eliminate it so that it can grow up healthy.

How to repel moths?

Moths can cause damage to plants so it is important to keep them away. How? Come in and we'll tell you about it.

Ferocactus gracilis

How to avoid pests on plants

We offer you a series of tips so that your garden or patio remains as beautiful as ever. Enter and discover how to avoid pests on plants.

Lavender plants, beautiful and resistant

11 plants for pest control

Did you know that your plants can have allies to deal with the most annoying insects? Enter and meet 11 plants for pest control.

Plant with red spider

Knowing and fighting the spider mite

One of the most common pests of plants is the spider mite, a mite that occurs in groups and forms a web on the underside of leaves. It is a very popular pest and there are several ways to combat it.

Ants and aphids

How to get rid of ants on plants

Would you like to know how to eliminate ants on plants? If so, you have come to the right place. Come in and discover how to keep them at bay.

Cottony mealybug, a pest that elm can have

How to fight the cottony mealybug

The cottony mealybug is an insect that can seriously harm our plants, but with these tips, they won't do it anymore. Enter and discover them.

Acer negundo 'Aureomarginatum'

Pests and diseases of Acer negundo

We tell you what they are and how they treat the pests and diseases of Acer negundo, a very interesting and resistant tree to have in temperate gardens.


How to make nicotine insecticide

Plants, even if they are well cared for, can always be affected by pests. Learn how to make nicotine insecticide and you won't have to worry.


How to prevent fungi

They are microorganisms capable of killing plants in a matter of a few days. But don't worry: go in and you will know how to prevent fungus.


Carnivorous plant pests

It is strange that these plants are victims of parasites. If there are errors in cultivation they are common. Find out what are the pests of carnivorous plants.

Dried leaves on olive tree

Olive tree Ebola alert

Recently a bacterium was detected that killed olive trees in Italy. They called it Ebola from the olive tree since it can kill a tree in a few days.

Damage of the sooty mold fungus on leaf

Bold on plants

Bold is a fungus that causes a dark dust on the plant and there are ways to eradicate it.


Tricks to recover a sick plant

When faced with a diseased plant, sometimes we do not know what to do to make it improve. Here you will find tips and tricks to recover that plant that has lost health.

Mint leaves

Plants to repel ants at home

With the arrival of good weather, some well-known insects also return: ants. But it is not a problem: there are three plants that can repel them.


The 7 best plants to repel insects

With spring, the presence of insects is increasingly noticeable. That is why we introduce you to a series of natural remedies to combat them.


Recovery of a plant

When we return from our vacation it may happen that we find a plant that is sick or in bad condition.


10 tips for spraying

It is very important to keep plants free of pests and diseases, so you have to know all the secrets to be able to spray correctly.


Plants to repel pests

Although it is not a hundred percent effective remedy, using aromatic plants and other types of plants to repel pests in the garden is a highly effective tool. We tell you which are the most appropriate varieties for each type of pest.


Geranium diseases

Geranium is a very popular perennial plant that does not require great care. But you have to control that you do not get sick and for that we provide you with all the necessary advice.


Poinsettia: pests and diseases

And we continue with the Poisentia, Poinsettia or Christmas Plant. Our goal: its survival and development to enjoy it again next year. After Poinsettia: how to survive Christmas and Poinsettia: care after Christmas, today we bring you the latest installment of this miniseries, with the symptoms of pests and diseases that can affect our red-leaved plant.



Thrips are small 1-2 millimeter insects, like miniature earwigs. They cause damage to a multitude of garden plants, fruit trees and our vegetables. Although the damage is not serious, it is important to eliminate them, as they are also transmitters of viruses.


Plants against pests: ecological remedies

Among the ecological remedies against pests, there are very effective cultivation associations or home remedies made with other plants. What occurs spontaneously in Nature, we can recreate in our garden or flowerpot.



The aphid is one of those pests that is a nightmare when it lands in our flowerpot. Those little sticky insects seem to invade everything. Above, next to them, the ants come that take care of them as if they were their flock, because they take advantage of the molasses that the aphids secrete. It is difficult to combat them without resorting to systemic insecticides. But it can. There are ecological solutions that can be applied as a preventive or as a treatment.


Potassium soap: natural insecticide

Potassium soap is a natural insecticide made from vegetable oils, effective for pest control, harmless for people and animals and respectful of the environment. It is especially effective in combating insect pests such as aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, mites, and soft-cuticle insects.

The most common mushrooms in the urban garden

Powdery mildew, mildew, rust, gray rot ... They are the four most common fungi in the urban garden. Excess humidity, lack of aeration or excessive nitrogen can cause its appearance. Know its symptoms and characteristics.

Powdery mildew fungus

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is the fungus that covers the leaves with a powder similar to ash. It develops with warm temperatures and high humidity. The Mediterranean area in spring and autumn is especially prone. In spring it attacks melons, cucumbers, watermelons and zucchini; in summer, it is chard and cabbage. Outside the urban garden, vine and roses are other plants most prone. Know its symptoms, prevention and non-chemical treatments.

banana, rich in potassium

Homemade organic fertilizer rich in potassium

Potassium is one of the essential nutrients for the flowering and fruiting of our crops. We can provide our plants with the potassium they need through banana tea, a homemade organic fertilizer rich in potassium, very easy to prepare.

bat guano

Bat guano, an ecological fertilizer

Bat guano is a natural, ecological and organic fertilizer, rich in phosphorus and calcium, which will help our potted plants to achieve proper development and fruiting.

White fly

The white fly

The whitefly is a small winged insect that attacks many of our plants and vegetables. Know the symptoms that this plague produces, as well as its prevention, control and elimination.

Dry leaves

Recover dried plants

Dry leaves, dry substrate, dry plants ... When we return from vacation we can find dryness problems in our plants. With minimal care, they can recover.

aubergine leaf with yellowing

Mineral nutrients: benefits and deficiency symptoms

Each of the mineral nutrients that our plants need provides them with a certain benefit and their lack causes them a different symptom. Knowing the symptoms, you can identify and provide the plant with the mineral that is lacking.