
Tricks for growing tomatoes

We offer you a series of tricks for growing tomatoes. Get an excellent harvest by taking a few simple measurements and make the most of the season.

Group of geraniums in bloom

What are polycarpic plants?

Have you ever wondered what polycarpic plants are? Come in, for sure you can have a beautiful garden or patio with them. ;)

Gardening can be enjoyed by children and adults

What to know about gardening

Do you want to discover what you are going to learn if you enter the world of plant beings? Come in, it's sure to surprise you. Find out what to know about gardening, what it can teach you and what it will give you.

A formal hedge is the ideal option for all types of gardens

What is a formal hedge

We explain what a formal hedge is, what it is useful for and what are the best plants you can use to form one.

Albinism can appear in plants

What is albinism in plants

Is there albinism in plants? The truth is that they do, although unfortunately they do not usually live long ... except for the ghost tree. Enter to learn more about this curious phenomenon.

It is important to cut suckers from trees

What are suckers on trees

Do you know what suckers in trees are? If you have doubts, come in, we will also explain when it is time to remove them.

types of foliar fertilizer

Compost for the family garden

What kind of compost is suitable for a garden? Enter and discover the different types of fertilizers you can count on.

Healthy root ball

How to know if the roots are rotten

How to know if the roots are rotten? If you have a plant that is not growing lately and looks sad, come in and we will tell you what to do to help it.

Wild grasses must be removed before planting anything

When and how to kill weeds

When and how to remove weeds? If you want to have some plants free of them, do not hesitate: enter and we will tell you how to remove them.

Cactus in nursery

Why not buy plants in winter

Why not buy plants in winter? Doing so involves running a significant risk of losing our purchases. Come in and we will tell you why it is better to wait for spring.

Potato mildew

In this post we are going to teach you how to recognize potato mildew and how to treat it in the case of infection. Do you want to know how?

A parterre of a botanical garden

What are flower beds?

Do you know what flower beds are? If you also want to know the history of these gardens, do not hesitate to enter to discover everything about them.

Mosquito, learn to repel it

How to drive away insects?

We explain how to drive away insects naturally, without chemicals that harm the environment and harm health.

Bulbous plants in bloom

How to make a floral border

We explain how to make a floral border so that you have a garden perfectly decorated with flowers. Give joy and color to your favorite corner.

Tall cypress hedge

How to protect plants from the wind

Do you live in a very windy area and you need to know how to protect the plants from the wind? Well, don't hesitate: come in and we'll tell you what to do.


How to harvest garlic

Do you know how to harvest garlic the right way? No? Well, come in and also discover the different ways to store them.

Specimen of Acacia saligna, a tree with yellow flowers

How to make a tree grow fast

How to make a tree grow fast? If you have just bought one and you would like to accelerate its growth, do not hesitate, enter and we will tell you how to do it. ;)

Hydrangeas, beloved acidophilic plants

Flowers for allergy sufferers

Do you have a pollen allergy? Don't worry: you can also enjoy plants with these flowers for allergy sufferers that we recommend. Enters.

Avocado tree

Why my tree does not bear fruit

Are you worried about your plant? If so, enter and we will tell you the possible reasons why it does not bear fruit. Find out why my tree does not bear fruit.

orange trees are often sick

Orange tree diseases

Next we are going to show you the different diseases that the orange tree has. Would you like to learn more about it? Keep reading.

Plants regulate the climate

What is foliar fertilizer

We tell you what foliar fertilizer is and why it is so interesting to have perfectly healthy and well-cared-for plants. Enters.

Liquid milk to eliminate fungi

Home remedies for fungus

To protect plants there is nothing like using natural products. Enter and we will tell you the most effective home remedies for fungi.

Citrus limon with fruits

Lemon tree pests and diseases

Enter to know what are the pests and diseases of the lemon tree and how to treat them to avoid problems in this fruit tree so loved in the kitchen.

Protect your pothos from direct sun so they don't burn their leaves

Gardening tips for the home

Just bought some houseplants and would like some home gardening advice? Enter and take note of the ones we offer you.

Fresh sour potatoes

What is sour potato

We tell you all about one of the most popular varieties of potatoes. Find out what sour potato is and what its many qualities are.

Use vinegar to take care of your garden

Uses of vinegar in the garden

We tell you the different uses of vinegar in the garden. Enter and discover how to have healthy and perfect plants with this interesting product.

Ficus is a tree that produces biochemical substances that inhibit the growth of plants that want to develop under its shade.

What is plant allelopathy?

Did you know that there were some plants that inhibited the growth of other species? Enter and we will tell you more about plant allelopathy. :)

Potassium soap, a good treatment against boldness

What is potassium soap for?

Potassium soap is a very effective and beneficial natural and biodegradable insecticide that prevents pests from damaging plants. Find out.

Inflorescence of a herbaceous plant

What are inflorescences?

We explain what inflorescences are and the different types there are so that you can learn more about the plants that you have in your garden or terrace.

The almond tree is recognized for its interesting pollination process

When does the Almond tree bloom

Discover the different uses that are given to the Almond tree and what is its type of flower and reproduction, surely there are data that you did not know.

Consequences of the defeat of the olive tree

What is the veceria of the fruit trees?

Does your fruit tree give you very good crops and others that are bad? If so, you will surely be affected by the turnaround. Enter and we will tell you what it is and how to control it.

Gardener pruning hedges

When are plants pruned

Do you want your plants to look healthy and beautiful? Grab the scissors and go inside to find out when the plants are pruned, both evergreen and deciduous.

Clay pots, take care of it so that it will last you many years

How to maintain clay pots

Would you like your plants to look more beautiful? Plant them in pots and discover how to maintain clay pots.

fruit bagging

When and how to bag the fruit

Have you heard of fruit bagging but don't really know what this technique is about? Enter and discover when and how to bag the fruit.

Spatiphyllum with dry leaves due to lack of watering

How to recover a dry plant

We tell you how to recover a dry plant, and we also offer you several tips to know when you have to water to avoid problems. Enters.

Ants on a leaf

Home remedies against ants

Do you have an infestation of these insects in your home and / or garden? Come in and try the home remedies against ants that we suggest. They do not fail. ;)

Ticks prefer humid areas

How to remove ticks from your garden

It is important to control fleas and ticks in the garden. Here we are going to show you some guidelines to eliminate them. Do you want to know more about it?

Follow these tips to enjoy gardening

Tips for enjoying gardening

Would you like to enjoy gardening? Try our tips and you will see how easy it is for you. You do not believe me? Come in and find out for yourself. ;)

Azalea can be worked as bonsai

What do bonsai trees have to be like?

If you dream of having your own bonsai, come in and we will tell you what characteristics bonsai trees should have to make it easier for you to work them.

Hedge of different bushes

Tips for planting hedges

Do you dream of having a beautiful and truly functional hedge? Come in and follow our advice on how to plant hedges. :)

urban gardens at home

How to care for a garden at home

Would you like to know how to care for a garden at home? Enter and know all the secrets to have an excellent harvest in your own home.

Lovely garden fire pit

How to build a bonfire in the garden

Would you like to be able to enjoy the outdoors even in the coldest months? Enter and we will tell you step by step how to build a bonfire in the garden.

Chromatic pest traps

Prevention of pests in plants

We offer you a series of tips on preventing pests in plants. Find out how to prevent your flowers from being affected.

Specimens of Pseudotsuga menziesii

Are conifers trees?

Have you ever wondered if conifers are trees? If you have this question, do not hesitate to enter to find the answer.


Why do conifers turn brown?

Do you have a hedge and it is drying out? Find out why conifers turn brown and what you can do to prevent and fix it.

urban home gardens

What are hydroponic gardens?

You don't have a garden but you have a small patio or terrace and you want to create a small garden? Enter and discover how to achieve it.

Rudbeckia hirta in flower

What is a biennial plant

We tell you what a biannual plant is; its main characteristics and its care so that you know more about this wonderful plant being.

Grafted plant

When to do grafts

If you want to have a greater variety of plants in your garden or orchard, go in and find out when to make grafts, a relatively easy technique.

Maple bonsai

Why give a bonsai?

Find out why give a bonsai to that special loved one. Show him how much you love him with a unique gift.

Fish tank turned into a terrarium

How to reuse a fish tank

Do you have a fish tank that has been left empty? Find out how you can give it a new useful life. Enter to know how to reuse a fish tank.

Specimens of Phoenix dactylifera

Types of palm trees with thorns

Looking for types of palm trees with thorns? If you like these plants, enter and you will discover some of the most dangerous species. ;)

plant a fig tree in the garden

How to prune a fig tree

If you have a fig tree and you want to keep it in the best conditions, we provide you with the necessary information to know how to prune a fig tree.

Organic compost on the ground

Types of soil fertilizer

We tell you what are the different types of compost for the most effective soil. Discover how to have a beautiful garden, but above all healthy. ;)

Ipomea flowers

What are hermaphroditic plants?

Did you know that there are also hermaphrodite plants? Find out what their characteristics are and learn to differentiate them from the others.

Lilac lilies in a garden

Myths and truths about growing plants

We tell you the myths and truths about growing the most popular plants and their explanation. Find out more about them and learn more about your hobby.

Vine with phylloxera

What is vine phylloxera?

Vine phylloxera is one of the most terrible pests that vineyards can have. We tell you what its symptoms are and how to prevent it.

Crassula ovata potted plant

Why is my plant not blooming

Can't you make your precious plant bloom? Find out why my plant is not flowering and what steps you can take to remedy it.

Organic compost on the ground

Can it be paid in autumn?

Have you ever wondered if it can be paid in autumn? If you want your plants to look gorgeous next spring, don't hesitate to come in.

Bonsai immersion irrigation

What is immersion irrigation?

Watering by immersion is a very effective method to recover a plant that is having a lack of water. We tell you how to do it.

Rafflesia arnoldi specimen

What are parasitic plants?

We tell you what and what are parasitic plants and the different types of parasitism that exist. Enter and learn more about the Plant Kingdom.


Angiosperms and gymnosperms

What is the difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms? Plants can be classified as flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Find out which one is.

the vine and its characteristics


The vine is a plant whose fruit is the grape. It is known throughout the world, not only for the grape, but for the wines. Do you want to know more about the vine?

Chili peppers in a supermarket

What is the Scoville Scale?

How hot are chilli peppers? One way to find out is with the Scoville Scale, one of the most interesting tools. Find out how it developed.

Specimen of Aloe juvenna

Why aren't my plants growing?

Are you wondering why my plants are not growing? If so, come in and we will tell you what you can do to keep them growing.

View of Acer palmatum bonsai

Bonsai care in autumn

Do you want to know what is the care of bonsai in autumn? If so, come in and we will tell you how to take care of your tree during this season.

Leaves that fall to the ground decompose and release nutrients

Burnt or dry leaves

Find out why sometimes there are leaves burned around the edges on a plant and why the leaves turn yellow or brown and how to fix it.

Fruit of the Carica papaya

How to grow papaya

Do you want to know how to grow papaya? Enter and we will tell you everything you need to know to be able to savor this delicious tropical fruit.

Potted orange trees

Can you have fruit trees in pots?

Do you want to have fruit trees in pots? Don't worry, most can be fine. We show you how to take care of themselves so that they grow up healthy

Cut leaves of the rhubarb plant

How to grow rhubarb?

We tell you in detail how to grow rhubarb, so you can prepare delicious dishes with its beautiful red petioles.

How to Make Cement Pots?

We teach you how to make homemade cement pots step by step from molds. Haven't you made your cement pot yet? Enter and discover how!

rose bushes and their diseases

Rose diseases

We must be careful, since our roses can be threatened by many types of diseases. Do you want to know what you are up against?

quinoa is considered a cereal

How to grow and harvest quinoa

Quinoa is considered a type of cereal whose protein is very complete and rare in the plant world. Do you want to know how to grow quinoa?

Mouse eating

How to drive away mice?

Are there rodents in your garden? Don't worry: we teach you to scare away mice with completely harmless products.

grow garlic

Garlic and its cultivation

Discover how to grow garlic through a crop that needs certain care to ensure its optimal growth and a good harvest.

vine tomatoes

Grafting on vine tomato plants

The cultivation of the vine tomato is an art that has been passed from generation to generation and that thanks to this article you will be able to carry out.

Plant radishes

Pests that radishes can suffer

In today's article you will learn a little about the adventure of planting radishes and best of all, know the possible pests and diseases.

Coffee grounds

How to water the plants with coffee?

If you are one of those who throw away the little coffee that remains in the coffee makers, find out why and how to water the plants with coffee from time to time. It will surprise you.

cucumber is a fruit

Tips for growing cucumber

The cultivation of cucumber is not difficult, but a series of steps must be followed to obtain a healthy and positive culture for its development.

Plant roots

Why the roots go down

Have you ever wondered why the roots go down instead of up? If you want to know the answer, do not hesitate to enter.

mold on plants

Why does mold grow on plants?

To be able to talk about why mold grows on plants, we must know in detail that mold is a fungus and that it does not only appear indoors.

different potato diseases

Potato diseases

There are a large number of potato diseases, so it is necessary to know about each one in order to take action.

Flowering specimen of Carpobrotus edulis

How to eliminate invasive plants

Are there some plants that are invading your garden or your pots? If so, come in and we will explain how to eliminate invasive plants.

black earth for the orchard or garden

Properties and uses of black earth

The black earth has played an important role, either to use them as decoration inside the home or in the garden, being beneficial in both cases.

Tangerines, the fruits of Citrus reticulata

How to sow tangerines at home

Would you like to have a small fruit tree at home? If so, come in and we will explain how to grow mandarins at home step by step.

varieties of peppers

Varieties of peppers

There are many varieties of peppers that are grown and that we use to prepare our dishes. Do you want to know more about the varieties of peppers?

Rose bushes endure frost and high temperatures

How to fertilize flowers

We explain how to fertilize flowers, so you can enjoy their wonderful petals every season. Enter and discover how easy it is. ;)

Flowers of Prunus cerasifera 'Atropurpurea'

Prunus, magnificent flowering trees

Prunus are trees that have such beautiful flowers that it is impossible not to reserve a place for them in the garden. Enter and discover everything about them.

Seeds of the first fossilized angiosperm plants

A 130 million year old seed

The seeds that the first flowering plants produced were incredibly amazing. Do you want to know what they were like? Do not hesitate to enter. ;)

tomato pests

Tomato pests and their treatment

We are going to talk about the pests and viruses that can attack our crops and with this I close this chapter on diseases of tomatoes.

sow radishes

How to plant radishes?

If you have a small space to make a garden and you want to find an option for small plants, a good idea for this would be radishes.

Organic compost on the ground

All about fertilizers

The fertilizers are very important so that the plants can have an excellent growth and a better development. Know which ones there are.

homemade hummus

Tips for making homemade hummus

Here we are going to teach you how to prepare a good quality humus for your plants. That way they can grow healthy and in perfect condition.

Five ripe tomatoes

How to grow tomato?

Do you want to try the authentic flavor of the garden? If so, follow our tips to know how to grow tomatoes, both in pot and in soil.

Ferns in their natural habitat

What are sciophilic plants?

Sciophilic plants are a type of very special plant beings, which can be cultivated in sheltered corners of the sun. Find out what they are. ;)

Phytophthora fungus on bromeliad

How to remove fungi from plants

These microorganisms proliferate very quickly, so to avoid causing further damage we explain how to eliminate fungi from plants.

Fig tree with figs

How to get a good harvest of figs

Do you have a fig tree in your garden? Then you are lucky. Come in and we will tell you how to get a good harvest of figs with an exquisite flavor. ;)

Cyca with mealybugs

Why do plants have pests?

We tell you why plants have pests, and what you can do to keep them healthy and strong for as long as possible.

dry and dead plants

How to recover dead plants?

The problems that cause our plant to die are excess or lack of sun, dry weather or lack of nutrients in the soil.

Edible flower watering

Why water the plants?

Water is the essential food for life. But what do plant beings need it for? Find out why water the plants.

plant pumpkin in pots

Planting pumpkins in pots

To start your pumpkin planting, what you need will be a good space and some seeds, since this is a vegetable which is really easy to grow.

Zelkova serrata bonsai

When to pay a bonsai?

Miniature trees are wonderful, but so that they can always be seen that way it is important to fertilize them. Come in and we'll tell you when to pay a bonsai.

Mineral insecticidal oil

How is insecticidal oil applied?

Insecticidal oil is one of the best products out there to prevent pests. Discover how it is applied correctly to have healthy plants.

Wooden garden shed

How to choose garden sheds?

Do you need more space in your home? If so, we teach you to choose garden sheds so that you can give it the use you need.

Pink-flowered camellia, a plant for acidic soils

What are botanical families?

The 400.000 accepted plant species in the world are grouped by botanical families. Enter and we will tell you what exactly they are.

The universal substrate is ideal for lavender

What is the universal substrate for?

If you want to grow plants, it is highly recommended to buy universal substrate, a soil that will help them grow without problems. Enter to know more.

Leaves provide oxygen

Green gardening tips

Do you want to have a dream garden that is also low maintenance? If so, we offer you a series of ecological gardening tips. Enters!

Diplotaxis muralis, the dandelion

With the scientific name Diplotaxis muralis, this plant belongs to the Cruciferae family and is commonly known as dandelion, géniva and mustard.

View of the leaves of Calathea ornata

How to clean plant leaves

With the passage of time the precious pots end up getting dirty. Discover how to clean the leaves of plants in a simple and fast way.

jacaranda mimosifolia

What is an evergreen tree?

We explain what an evergreen tree is so that you know its main characteristics and you can have the garden you always wanted.

how to dry figs

How to dry figs?

They are ideal for your desserts, to add them to a delicious dinner or lunch or simply as sandwiches and so you can meet that goal.

Carnation flower

Why have plants?

If you are wondering why have plants, we are going to tell you 5 important benefits that they have for humans. Enters.

Beautiful garden with plants and flowers

What jobs need to be done in the garden

You don't know what jobs to do in the garden throughout the year? If you want to boast of a green paradise, come in and we will teach you how to take care of it.

Cinnamon, a good rooting agent for your plants

How to make a homemade fungicide

If you want to protect your plants with natural remedies, do not hesitate to enter. We will explain how to make a homemade fungicide. ;)

yellow cyca

Why are my plants yellow?

Providing them with the best care is not easy. If you are wondering why my plants are yellow and how to recover them, do not hesitate to enter.

Trees in a forest

Why do plants need light?

The Sun is very important to all living things: without it, there would be no life forms on Earth. But why do plants need light? Find out.

Japanese pine bonsai

Bonsai curiosities

If you just got a miniature tree, we recommend you discover some of the most fascinating bonsai curiosities. Enters.

Fern leaf

Do plants sleep?

Animals need to rest to regain energy, but what about plant beings? Come in and we'll tell you if the plants sleep ... or not. ;)

Ants on a leaf

How to eliminate ants?

How to eliminate ants effectively? We propose a series of home remedies so that you can keep them away from your plants.

Bonsai pots

How to choose the bonsai pot?

How to choose a pot for bonsai? Choosing one where our work will look spectacular is not always easy. Let us help you. ;)

Thai chillies

Chilli pepper, the hottest pepper

The chilli is a type of pepper that has a peculiarity and that is that its flavor can be very, very spicy. Do you dare to cultivate it? Enters. ;)

vine mildew affecting the crop

Downy mildew of the vine

What is vine mildew, how can we prevent it, the symptoms that we can notice and some treatments to avoid them in our crops

Bush bonsai

How to fertilize a bonsai

Would you like to know how to fertilize a bonsai so that it can have all the nutrients it needs? If so, do not hesitate and enter. ;)

Fossilized Pteridophyte Fern

What is paleobotany?

Do you want to know the evolutionary history of plants? Feel free to study paleobotany, a really fascinating science. ;)

Green peas

When are peas planted?

Peas are very nutritious legumes, as they are rich in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Come from…

Trees in the field

What are the parts of plants?

We tell you what are the parts of plants and what function they have. Find out more about those beings that you have in your garden or patio.

Plant with ripe tomato

When to plant tomatoes?

What are you waiting for to enjoy the benefits of a healthy diet? Enter and find out when to plant tomatoes, one of the easiest vegetables to grow.

Leaves of the Dioscorea plant

How to recover a withered plant?

Did you forget to water and have you come across a withered plant? Find out how to get it back. Enter and you will see how, little by little, it will recover.

Apple tree seeds

What are the parts of a seed?

Learn about the different parts of a seed and why it is so amazing. Thanks to her, the world is covered with beautiful and wonderful plants.

Organic compost on the ground

Why is it important to pay?

One of the tasks that we have to do as gardeners is to fertilize the plants so that they can grow strong and healthy. But why is it important?

Anthurium in bloom

What are bracts?

Bracts are very important leaf organs for flowering plants. Without them, they would not be as protected. Find out what they are.

Person using a chainsaw to cut a log

Tips for buying a chainsaw

The chainsaw is a very useful and efficient cutting tool, but in order to make the most of it, you must choose the most suitable one. We will help you.

Spider mite damage on a leaf

How to eliminate spider mites

It is one of the most common pests that can affect plants. To prevent them from harming them, we will tell you how to eliminate the red spider.

grow stevia in pot

Why grow Stevia at home?

Stevia is a miraculous tropical plant that has gained ground for its sweetening properties and health benefits, and growing it is very easy.


Plagues and diseases

Discover the pests and diseases for the development of our crops, plants and flowers, in order to avoid future damage.

Water plants

How to avoid excess water?

One of the main problems of plants is excess water. To avoid this, we invite you to follow our advice. Enters.

home gardens

Home urban gardens

Home urban gardens are a method through which people can bring all that nature to the comfort of their home.

grow in city

Grow in the city center

We all know that it can be grown in the city, like urban gardens, but you have to know that it is also possible to plant cereal fields.

Chinese moth against boxwood

Chinese moth against boxwood

It follows that its spread is due to the commercial exchange of infested plants and that this is considered a pest that has devastating effects.

Sunburned plant

How to know if my plant is burning

Would you like to find out how to know if my plant is burning? Enter and we will tell you how to prevent it from burning and what to do to recover it.

Wood chipper

What is the chipper for?

If you are tired of having to save the pruning remains, now you can convert them into compost with a garden shredder. Enter and discover how to choose one.