Growing broad bean plant

Potted beans

In autumn it is time to sow beans. We can grow them in pots and enjoy them in our flowerpot.


Plants against pests: ecological remedies

Among the ecological remedies against pests, there are very effective cultivation associations or home remedies made with other plants. What occurs spontaneously in Nature, we can recreate in our garden or flowerpot.

From when carrots were purple

Did you know that carrots weren't always oranges? They were actually purple. They were turned into oranges by the Dutch in the XNUMXth century in order to achieve the color of the Dutch royal house of Orange. And they succeeded, the result was a smoother and sweeter variety that spread throughout Europe. But before, they were purple. In Spain there are towns that have been growing purple carrots for centuries. Today this oriental variety is being retaken, which is actually the original, along with others of different colors. And all can be grown in pots.

cultivation table Areté

Grow table for people with reduced mobility

The CET Areté is a Special Work Center, specialized in the manufacture of reclaimed wood products for ecological horticulture and gardening. are pioneers in the manufacture of their products adapted to people with reduced mobility. The main objective of the CET is to promote the labor insertion of people with mental illness.

Round pod peas

Potted pea cultivation

All the keys to growing peas in a pot, planter or cultivation table. The sowing, irrigation, care and harvesting of this legume in the pot or urban garden.

garden by bus

An orchard on the roof of a bus

The New York municipal bus fleet has implemented Marco Antonio Cosio's Bus Roots project. It is a mobile garden or vegetable garden, planted on the roofs of buses, which carry their environmental benefits throughout the city.

pea crop

October Crop Calendar

Planting and harvesting calendar for potted vegetables corresponding to the month of October. Indicative data for the Mediterranean area.

Selfish & Devote Watering Can

Do you water or pour water? Irrigation, key questions and recommendations

Irrigation is the sustenance of our plants, different depending on the species or the time of year, and there are some recommendations that we should follow to do it correctly. In the case of the flowerpot, its importance is vital, because with the scarce soil available to our crops, its water retention and storage capacity is also limited.



The aphid is one of those pests that is a nightmare when it lands in our flowerpot. Those little sticky insects seem to invade everything. Above, next to them, the ants come that take care of them as if they were their flock, because they take advantage of the molasses that the aphids secrete. It is difficult to combat them without resorting to systemic insecticides. But it can. There are ecological solutions that can be applied as a preventive or as a treatment.

Coffee as an ecological fertilizer

List of organic fertilizers

The use of organic fertilizers is one of the keys to organic farming. Ecological fertilizers improve soil conditions, provide the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and development of plants and protect against erosion, as well as benefit the environment and fauna.

Pre-pressure water sprayer

Pre-pressure water sprayer

The pre-pressure water spray is a very useful tool for our planter. It sprays the liquid continuously without the need to intermittently squeeze a trigger. It is the most comfortable and effective way to apply pesticides and fungicides on the leaves of your plants. It is also very useful in the delicate irrigation of seedbeds so as not to flood or remove the small seeds that we have deposited a few millimeters deep.


Potassium soap: natural insecticide

Potassium soap is a natural insecticide made from vegetable oils, effective for pest control, harmless for people and animals and respectful of the environment. It is especially effective in combating insect pests such as aphids, whiteflies, mealybugs, mites, and soft-cuticle insects.

hydro-pot in plastic bottle

Homemade self-watering pot

We can manufacture our own self-watering pot or hydrofoil in a simple and economical way: a plastic bottle, scissors and ropes are enough.

plant in pot

Substrate types

As we grow in pots, we must enrich its soil, since it is scarce and soon our plants absorb its nutrients. We can fill our pots with two basic mixtures: 50% substrate and 50% compost or 70% substrate and 30% worm castings. But what types of substrate are there on the market and which is the most suitable for our pots?

potting soil

Seize the land

Taking advantage of the soil from old pots for new crops is possible and simple if you follow some basic recommendations.


Potted carrots

Growing carrots at home is easy if you know their requirements. The sowing of this vegetable should avoid cold temperatures and will yield a harvest throughout the year.

Seedlings in yogurt cups

Let's sow! Tools and accessories

From sowing to harvesting, during the different phases our crops go through, we will need specific accessories and tools. In a small garden, such as at home, these tools are different from those used in soil gardens.

The most common mushrooms in the urban garden

Powdery mildew, mildew, rust, gray rot ... They are the four most common fungi in the urban garden. Excess humidity, lack of aeration or excessive nitrogen can cause its appearance. Know its symptoms and characteristics.

Powdery mildew fungus

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is the fungus that covers the leaves with a powder similar to ash. It develops with warm temperatures and high humidity. The Mediterranean area in spring and autumn is especially prone. In spring it attacks melons, cucumbers, watermelons and zucchini; in summer, it is chard and cabbage. Outside the urban garden, vine and roses are other plants most prone. Know its symptoms, prevention and non-chemical treatments.


Potted chard

Chard is an easy crop for our urban garden. In pot or growing table, it reaches a considerable size and can supply our family consumption for several months. Large pots and warm temperatures are the only requirements for planting and transplanting.

Organic substrate

the substrate

Growing vegetables in a pot or growing medium requires the choice of a good substrate. The substrate will replace the soil and the success of our planter or urban garden will depend on its correct choice.


Stevia: the plant that sweetens

Stevia is the fashionable plant. Since this natural sweetener has landed in Europe, every day there are more products that incorporate Stevia as a sweetener. Its consumption does not affect the glycemic index or hypertension, and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects are attributed to it. It has no calories, no saturated fat, no sugars, and no carbohydrates. It is diuretic and digestive. It does not produce cholesterol or ferment or react with other components of food. Its cultivation at home is very simple.

cultivating table

The cultivation tables

The cultivation tables are one of the options to house our vegetables in the urban garden. Among its advantages, the comfort of its height, the ease of handling and the aeration of the substrate.

banana, rich in potassium

Homemade organic fertilizer rich in potassium

Potassium is one of the essential nutrients for the flowering and fruiting of our crops. We can provide our plants with the potassium they need through banana tea, a homemade organic fertilizer rich in potassium, very easy to prepare.

bat guano

Bat guano, an ecological fertilizer

Bat guano is a natural, ecological and organic fertilizer, rich in phosphorus and calcium, which will help our potted plants to achieve proper development and fruiting.

Enzyme solution with birdseed

Make an enzyme solution at home

A homemade enzymatic solution based on birdseed is easy to prepare and will provide our potted plants with greater nutrition than that provided by their scarce soil, it will transform part of the insoluble nutrients into soluble ones and will contribute bacterial life to the substrate.

Lettuce varieties

There are different varieties of lettuce that can be grown in a pot. A tour of its essential properties and its basic characteristics for growing in a pot.

Tomatoes in tomato plant

The tomato: the apple of love

The history of the tomato is full of curiosities: from the aphrodisiac properties attributed to it by the French to the confusion about its toxicity.

White fly

The white fly

The whitefly is a small winged insect that attacks many of our plants and vegetables. Know the symptoms that this plague produces, as well as its prevention, control and elimination.

Dry leaves

Recover dried plants

Dry leaves, dry substrate, dry plants ... When we return from vacation we can find dryness problems in our plants. With minimal care, they can recover.

Aromatic potted plants

Aromatic plants

The cultivation of aromatic plants in pots is simple. These plants and herbs, cultivated since ancient times, offer many decorative, aromatic, culinary and medicinal possibilities.

Garlic cultivation

Garlic cultivation and irrigation

Garlic is an easy plant to grow in a pot, but many times it dies due to excess risk. Knowing the keys to risk is essential for the success of your crop.

aubergine leaf with yellowing

Mineral nutrients: benefits and deficiency symptoms

Each of the mineral nutrients that our plants need provides them with a certain benefit and their lack causes them a different symptom. Knowing the symptoms, you can identify and provide the plant with the mineral that is lacking.

romaine lettuce seedling

Potted lettuce

Growing potted lettuce is quick and easy. Advice on sowing, climate, irrigation and development to obtain lettuce in a pot garden.

garden in pots

The flowerpot

The flowerpot, or growing vegetables in pots and in your own home, is one of the latest trends in home gardening. But what does it take to create a planter?