It is important decorate your garden or the outside of your house with plants and flowers that make it more beautiful and colorful. Plants, in addition to decoration, have other advantages such as providing air purification and giving us cleaner air to breathe.
There are many ways to decorate your exteriors with plants and flowers. Here we are going to show you some of them. Do you want to know how to beautify your garden?
Conditions to be met by plants
The first thing we have to take into account when adding plants to decorate our exterior is to find plants resistant to climatic changes such as sudden drops in temperature, winds, frosts, great solar radiation, etc. We also have to find suitable plants for the shadier areas. Plants that need more hours of sun may not survive in the more humid and dark areas of your garden or terrace. Therefore, it is important to make a preselection with all the appropriate plants for each area.
There are outdoor plants that They are very resistant to drops in temperature and do not have a high dependence on solar radiation. These plants are the most versatile to place in different places, since they help us to place them under larger trees, behind walls or in corners where vegetation has been lost.
Outdoor plants can be sown directly into the ground or in pots. Each plantation will require different care, since one will be nourished directly from the soil and another from the pot. If we have a terrace and we do not have a garden, there are outdoor plants with a pot large enough to house bushes and larger plants.
Potted plants are perfect for more modern designs and finishes, since we can also decorate, color and personalize the planter, playing with the tones of each season of the year. If we are going to plant the plants in pots, we must also take into account the color of the back walls, since the contrast of colors will be a determining factor in the final result of the decoration. It is the set of the range of colors used and the natural color of the planted plants that will make a difference between a mediocre decoration and a successful one.
If the planters we use are rustic, we also have to use accessories that complement this type of trend to complete the scenario well. If we use accessories of the same type we will create a creative uniformity. It should also be added that the decoration tastes of each one are personal and we must not get carried away by predetermined trends.
The space we have outside plays a determining role when it comes to establishing different types of decoration. Larger places will allow us to play with various sizes of plants and weave them together for greater uniformity. Smaller places are more limited, because if we don't control the amount of pots and accessories we place, we will have a very loaded and reduced outdoor space.
Succulents and ferns
Succulents are a great option for outdoor plants given their great resistance to changes in temperature and the need for water. One of the plants that most resist outdoors is the so-called snake plant. This plant is perfect to add some height to our exterior and is widely used today for its modern touch in the home.
They are plants that we can have both in places with many hours of sun, and in darker places. The only thing we must protect them from is extreme temperatures. Both winter frosts and summer heat waves are a danger to the survival of the plant.
The snake plant can also be enjoyed indoors, although it can be used to its full potential if it is outdoors. This plant is perfect for pots and outdoor containers, giving a great design and showiness.
We move on to another plant that has to be added almost obligatorily outdoors. It's about the ferns. Ferns are well known for the pots that we usually hang. These plants make the place where you are more exotic more attractive and give a sense of global image. Ferns require less light and more moisture, although they should not be overwatered. You have to provide plenty of water but without drowning them.
Some decorating tips
Every person dreams of having their exterior or garden with original and unique characteristics that make their home something different and innovative. To achieve this goal, it is important that the exterior is colorful and at the same time simple and discreet.
It is important that the exterior has uniqueness at all times and that the plants work in harmony with the colors of the walls. The flowers play an important role in landscape design, not just plants. The flowers have the role of beautifying the garden from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, giving an even more special design.
The flowers need other maintenance to the plants. We can't let them mix with each other and we must go replacing them with new flowers from time to time to increase the diversity of the garden.
Sometimes not all flowers will bloom, so it is important to choose the correct location for each one for the best survival success. In addition, you have to correctly select which are the neighbors of each floor. These have to have growth requirements similar to those of the rest of the plants that are nearby. Each flower has its own growth rule and if one can hinder the growth of the other, it is better not to put them together.
Before adding a new flower or plant in our garden we must know the basic characteristics of plants. We are talking about the flowering period, the height, the number of the conditions for the best cultivation, etc.
Climatic requirements
Depending on the area where we are, the climate will determine the type of plant that we can have outside. There are flowers more tolerant to drought, others more moisture-loving, some preferring heat and other cold… The impact of natural factors on plants will determine their lifespan, the presence and strength of wind, air temperatures and heavy rains can ruin the exterior of the home.
If the plants are selected correctly, adapting them to the climate, we will avoid these problems.
With these tips you can decorate your garden correctly to have a more successful design.