Healing of Cacti and other Succulent Plants

Although, as we have seen previously, cacti and other types of succulent plants They are quite resistant to diseases and disorders, at times they can get sick and acquire pests that can affect their development and flowering (if it is the case). And although it is important that we prevent the appearance of them for the correct development of our plant, we must also learn to cure our succulents and cacti when they have become ill or are infested by pests.

It is for this reason that today we bring you some tips for curing cacti and other succulents:

  • Yes, although you have tried a thousand and one treatments and have not yet been able to avoid infection or the proliferation of the disease in your plants, it is important that you act curatively as soon as possible, to prevent that same disease from spreading to the rest of the plants that are nearby or grown in the same garden.
  • It is important that you keep abreast of the state of each of your plants, in this way if any plant or plants show rottenness, you must isolate it from the rest of healthy plants, in this way you will be preventing them from being infected. If they are planted in pots, it will be much easier since you only have to move and move the pot to another place.

  • If you begin to notice or suspect that your plant is affected by a fungus or other disease, it is important that you cut the affected areas to the place where you can see a green tissue (this will be the healthy area of ​​your plant). I recommend that you use healing powders to protect your plant after cutting.
  • Remember that if the infection is detected early it will be much easier to treat it with fungicides or chemicals to eliminate the fungus. That is why I emphasize the attention we must have with our plants and their development.
  • If after trying a million treatments, you decide to throw the plant out, I recommend that you also get rid of the soil where it was planted to avoid future diseases caused by the soil itself.

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      carolina said

    Hello, I have a cactus that is full of little white spots, which I presume must be fungi, I wanted to know how I do to cure it, since little by little it is dying.
    Thank you

         CLAUDIA said


           Monica Sanchez said

        Hi Claudia.
        Do you have it in the sun? How do you water it?
        It could be burns or stains that appear as a result of watering them overhead.

        I recommend putting it in semi-shade and watering only the soil.


      susana tellechea said

    hello my 7 year old son wants to have a garden with cactus but I don't know which ones would be appropriate since we live in a small apartment I would like to know if you can help me thank you very much

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Susan.

      You can try with spineless cactus 😉


      Lidia said

    How do I cure my cactus has white fluff, fungi

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Lidia.
      Do those little white fluff have a soft touch? Can they be removed? Sometimes they can be confused with fungi, being actually cottony mealybugs. Thus, if you can remove them and by doing so there is no trace left, they are surely these parasites. To combat them, they can be removed by hand, or with a cotton swab moistened with soap and water.

      But if the cactus begins to have soft parts, or black spots, then they are fungi. Solving the problem is more difficult, since it is necessary to do several treatments with fungicides following the recommendations indicated on the container.

      I hope I've helped.

      Good luck.

      Marcela rozo said

    Good morning, by mistake I dropped a notebook on my plant, some of its leaves were broken, what can I do to cure it? it is urgent please it is a crass plant, and it is small

      Marcela rozo said


         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Marcela.
      Don't worry, succulent plants are hardier than they appear.
      Soon new leaves will come out, you'll see 😉. Take care of her as before and in less than you think she will have recovered.
      Cheer up!

      Daniela said

    I have a cactus and the lower part of the stem is stiff, crusty, narrower and light brown in color, are they fungi? Can I do some treatment to cure it? Greetings and thanks.

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Daniela.
      Brown 'spots' on cacti can be a sign of fungus, or they can be burns. The difference between one and the other is that, if the plant is being affected by fungi, in addition to having this stain, you will see that it begins to rot. My advice is that you apply fungicide, preferably liquid, and water allowing the substrate to dry completely.
      If it goes to more, there will be no choice but to cut to the chase and plant the healthy part in a very porous substrate (perlite alone, or mixed with 20 or 30% black peat).
      Greetings and thank you. Lucky!

      Carolina Camacho said

    Hello, I have a fairly large crassulaceae that has given me many little children but the mother plant that is very large seems to be burning its leaves become hard and with a brown complexion until they fall off but the new leaves that come out well and little by little they finish with the same appearance I don't know what to do and I don't want to lose it

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Caroline.
      Are you still taking care of her as always? Have you moved it around? From what you count, it seems that fungi are affecting your plant. Apply liquid fungicide, and to prevent it, it would not hurt to add insecticide against soil insects, such as 10% Cypermethrin.
      A greeting.

      Hector said

    I have a situation two of my cacti have a black tip that I can do is drying and I am worried about losing them
    Thank you

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Hector.
      Treat them with a broad-spectrum fungicide, and suspend watering for up to 7 days. If you see that things are getting worse, cut to the chase and put healing paste on the wound. Over time, the cactus will grow shoots that will hide the wound.
      A greeting.

      JQN said

    Hello, I hope you can help me please, I have a couple of succulents, one is the one that is called «garden zebra» and the other «marble rose», I had them in a window for a long time and they were still the same, one day I changed them to the interior and I noticed a great change, the zebra began to open much more and new branches came out, the marble rose began to grow children everywhere and everything was PERFECT, but from one day to the next the marble rose darkened and It became very watery, only the main plant, the children are still the same color as always and without getting watery, please, what can I do to save the «mother» plant, they are very special to me.

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi JQN.
      If it is "watered down" it is probably rotten and in that case there is nothing you can do ... unless it keeps the original color and does not look black. If that is what happens, suspend the watering, and change the substrate. I recommend using a very porous one, like perlite or river sand.
      Resume watering after seven days.
      A greeting.

           JQN said

        Thanks for answering Monica, I will try what you mention and I hope to be able to rescue her, thank you very much !!

             Monica Sanchez said

          Good luck, JQN 🙂

      Caro said

    Hi! I have a succulent and I always leave it in the frame of a window but apparently the sunlight hit it very directly, I did not want to water them because their soil is still very wet and now their leaves have some red dots, they are turning brown and wrinkled, I moved it to a place where it would give it half a shade, what can I do to cure it?

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Caro.
      For the moment I recommend that you leave it in that place, protected from direct sun. Water it very little, once a week or every ten days.
      The affected leaves will not look the same as before, but do not worry: they will grow new ones that will be completely healthy.
      Greetings 🙂.

      lucia said

    Hello, I need help two days ago I discovered that one of my cactus had some black spots, is it a fungus? How do I heal him before he dies ???? I just separate them from the other cacti and buy a fungicide? is it special for cactus or is it any brand ??? Do i have to do something else?? there are two or three small spots on the top of the cactus.
    Another query, I have another cactus of another species that among the thorns has little white things that seem as if it were cotton or something like that and there something pink or red came out as if a flower wanted to come out of there ... is that white fungus? it's like little fluff ... I think it's normal or do I have to remove it?

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Lucia.
      With regard to the cactus that has black spots, it could be a fungus. Treat it with a broad-spectrum liquid fungicide following the directions specified on the package.
      As for your second cactus, don't worry. Those fluff are completely normal, don't worry 🙂.
      A greeting.

      Gilda pilimon said

    Good night. I wanted to consult you on preventive spraying on cacti and succulents. What would be the most recommended product and how to apply it. I have been investigating and finding liquids to apply directly as "spray" or water-soluble capsules that are put on the ground, but ... I don't know which is better.
    Finally, I have a blinding nopal cactus or angel wings, sick, from what I see I think it is a fungus. Only one end of it is sick. And the characteristic yellow "spots" of the cactus are turning brown and I don't know if this is normal. I wanted to know how to treat it. From already thank you very much. Gilda

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Gilda.
      If you want to do preventive treatments, I recommend spraying them once a week with Neem Oil, nettle slurry, or any other natural insecticide that you can find in nurseries and garden stores.
      With regard to the nopal, how often do you water it? This cactus is one of those that best withstands drought, so it should be watered very little. At most, once every 10 days if it is in the ground, and every 7 days if it is in a pot.
      To treat it, treat it with a broad-spectrum fungicide. You can also choose to cut clean with a disinfected knife, and put healing paste on it.
      What you count about the stains is probably one more symptom of the problem. Once it is treated, it should not go further.
      A greeting.

      Isaac said

    Hello, my cactus turned gray at the tips, it became watery and the thorns fell off, a small hole was made in one area and another part became small. What can I do? It still has its green color, it has been like this for a month and I have not found anything.

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Isak.
      When that happens normally due to overwatering. My advice is to cut your losses, and put healing paste on the wound. Over time it is very possible that that area will be covered by a sapling.
      A greeting.

      Agustina said

    Hello Monica! I started collecting cacti a long time ago, last night I discovered that some of them turned yellow, as if the frost had burned them. Others are eaten by snails, very injured, they took the pieces. Now I entered a closed gallery but I don't know how to get them back. Another question, how is the healing paste made? I live in a small city and I can't find products to take care of my cacti

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Augustine.
      Yes, you have to be very careful with snails, they eat everything ... 🙁
      The yellow spots are probably due to frost, indeed. If the gallery where you have them now reaches a lot of light, you can leave them there, watering them little: once every 10-15 days.
      The yellow spots will not disappear, and the parts that have been chewed by the snails will not regenerate either, but over time they will grow new shoots that will cover those areas.
      As a healing paste you can use toothpaste, or school glue.
      A greeting.

      anabella said

    Hello Monica. I wanted to consult you about two things: I have several cacti and two of them died because in the nursery they told me that mealybugs caught them because they were filled with little white spots. They gave me the Mamboretá insecticide, dissolved in water, and sprayed the cactus with it once a week. Sadly, they both died despite being in separate pots. I have other cacti left and I would like to prevent them from getting sick. At the nursery they told me to spray them once a month with the same insecticide and not water them. Would that be the best prevention method or is there a better one?
    On the other hand I have two succulents that were beautiful but the leaves began to fall off and some of them have brown sores, as if they were eaten away.
    I watered them one olive per week when the ground was dry, like the cacti. I don't know if everything that happened was due to overwatering.
    All the cacti and succulents are on an open balcony where they get the sun and also the rainwater if it rains.
    I am very sorry because I try to take care of them and make them improve, but I cannot find a solution.
    Would you have any special recommendations for what I told you about my cacti and succulents? From already thank you very much.

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Anabella.
      Cacti and succulents need direct sun, and a substrate that has good drainage, such as black peat mixed with perlite in equal parts. Watering once a week is fine, as long as it doesn't rain the rest of the day. In winter you have to water less, every 15 or 20 days. If they have a plate underneath, it is better to remove it since the roots could rot.
      As for the insecticide, you can use it once a month.
      A greeting.

      Alexa said

    Hello, almost 15 days ago I bought some succulents (they are quite small) I was in a cold climate place and I brought them to Tierra Caliente 3 days ago, which they told me it would not affect. But some of the plants have wrinkled their leaves and made their stems weak. They have also taken a color like reddish when it was a very vivid green ... It seems that they are dying 🙁

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Alexa.
      Changing environments can harm plants, yes.
      But succulents are much tougher than they look 🙂
      Put them in semi-shade, and water them very little: once or twice a week.
      Do not fertilize them, or wet the leaves or stems, as they could rot.
      And to wait. In principle, they should show improvements in a couple of weeks at the most.
      If you see that they get worse, do not hesitate to write us again.
      a greeting

      Noe said

    Good day! I have a small succulent plant, about 7 cm, like the first photo of the forum, lately its leaves are wrinkled, I thought it was the a lot of exposure to the sun or maybe the watering, because I used to put water on its leaves too 🙁 every 2 weeks could you help me?

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello noe.
      Most likely it is due to irrigation. Do not wet the leaves of the plants, as they could wilt.
      My advice is to water it once a week, or twice in summer.
      A greeting.

      MariPaz B said

    Hi! I planted a stone-like succulent with special soil for succulents. Everything was going well, but then I transplanted it to another pot because I found a video that said that you had to put gravel at the bottom and in a third of sand x 2 thirds of soil. I followed the procedure but when planting one of the cacti in the middle, I don't know if I punctured it or sand fell on it and the salt affected it because a part (I suppose it is a leaf, it seems like a stone bow) is softening. It still retains its green color but that leaf lost its firmness. It is watered down !! What can I do to save her? Thanks!

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello MariPaz.
      From what you count, you have a Lithops, a crass plant.
      I would recommend planting it in a substrate type black peat mixed with 50% perlite, or with pumice or washed river sand (alone).
      You have to water very little: once or twice a week in summer, and every 10-15 days the rest of the year.
      Put it in full sun if it is not, and in a short time it will most likely improve.
      Greetings 🙂.

      Camila said

    Hello, for 1 or 2 days the edges of the leaves of my succulent are turning pink and today I just discovered that the leaves below are turning black and soft…. I do not know why, if excess water or the opposite.
    Sorry for the inconvenience, I look forward to the answer!

      Romina said

    Hello, I have a query, I think I rotted a cactus, it is many years old but I did not realize it and I overindulged in the water probably because it changed color (from green to brown) and became soft, when you touch it, water comes out. They told me to take it out of the pot and leave it like that for a few days until it dries, I did it and then I realized that it is like rotten bottom. It has a solution? Thanks a lot

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Romina.
      If it is already soft to the point that water comes out, unfortunately there is nothing you can do, sorry.
      A greeting.

      CATALINA said


         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Catalina.
      If it has fungus, my advice is to cut off the affected parts, and treat it with a systemic fungicide. In any case, you should know that it is very difficult to recover a plant that has been infected with fungi ..., but not impossible 🙂.
      Good luck.

      Jose Luis said

    Hello good,

    I need some help because I do not find very well that it can be to see if between everyone you can put me a little order. I have some succulents such as the stone cactus, ECHEVERIA DERENBERGII and ECHEVERIA PURPUSORUM which are coming out like a few strands yellow and white, as if they were threads. At first I thought they were a method of reproduction or propagation but they are different species, at least the stone cactus and the others and I see that they are losing vigor. Could it be a fungus? It is natural?.

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    A greeting

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Jose Luis
      First of all, your plants are succulent, not cactus 🙂.
      Regarding your question: where do you have them? In order for them to grow well, they need to be either outdoors in full sun, or indoors with lots of light, since otherwise the leaves they will emit will be increasingly thinner, sharper and much more fragile.
      It is also important to water little, 2 times a week, and fertilize them with mineral fertilizer (with Nitrofoska for example, pouring a small spoonful of coffee on the surface of the substrate once a month in spring and summer).
      If you want, you can upload an image to tinypic or imageshack and copy the link here so that we can tell you exactly what happens to them.
      A greeting.

           Jose Luis said


        First of all thanks for the prompt reply:

        I comment a little more specifically that the same I have not given much information, sorry.

        To which I refer are crass, the stone cactus I refer to the variety of the Lithops, the fact is that the large pot is the one that houses three different types of succulents and the small one the lithops. They are outdoors where they give it a lot of light.The irrigation is adequate and the fertilizer that I have used for them is always a liquid one that I also use for cacti.In several years that I have been with them they have always been good but a few months ago it started One to create this type of yellow thread and other white ones, at first I thought it was a method of propagation but it is that it has come out to all and they are from different species, so, I do not think it is. I dried myself with what I did a good clean in case it was some kind of parasite and I have removed all the thread that came out, so for now I cannot send you photos I can try to let a long one grow to take a capture and show it to you My question was only relative the thread is coming out, if you had seen something similar or if it could be a fungus.

        Thank you very much again for your attention and interest.

        A greeting

             Jose Luis said


          I have looked at the plants again and they have that thread, I send you some captures Monica:


          A greeting

               Monica Sanchez said

            Hello Jose Luis
            The truth is that this is the first time I have seen something like this. But they have all the earmarks of being mushroom strands.
            My advice is that you treat them with a systemic fungicide, and that you change the substrate for one that is very porous, such as pomx, akadama, river sand, or similar, since the peat does not drain the water fast enough for this type of plants. , the roots rot easily and fungi take advantage to damage them.
            A greeting.

               Jose Luis said

            Good morning Monica:

            Well, yes, I am thinking between a fungus or an epiphyte but I would like to know which one to make the exact treatment, so, I will continue investigating.
            The substratat thing if I should oxygenate it a little, although they have always been there and it has not created any problem until now. I will try to get some pomx or river sand, that akadama is more expensive and I use it for bonsai hehehe .

            Thank you very much for your attention.

            Pdta: If I find out what it is, I'll let you know.

            A greeting

      Victor said

    good morning monica. I bought a cactus for my wife. I think I watered it very often because it started to lose size and I took it out of the pot and the root part is very wet and yellow. What can I do to cure it? Thank you.

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Victor.
      My advice is to cut clean with a knife disinfected with alcohol, and let it dry in a dry and warm area (protected from direct sun) for a couple of days.
      After that time, impregnate the base with rooting hormones, and plant it in a pot with a sandy substrate (pomx, river sand, akadama, ... whatever is easier for you to get). But don't water. Wait a couple more days and when you do, just add a little water to moisten the surface of the substrate.
      Water again every 4-5 days and in about three weeks it will start to emit new roots.
      Greetings 🙂.

      Tana said

    Hi Monica, I bought an echeveria at the nursery about 10 days ago (I think because I don't know the name) that has several small rosettes and now I see that it has very black spots on the underside of many of its leaves. I only watered it twice since I bought it but I notice that the soil is not loose but rather like caked. I have no experience in cacti so I ask if it is from rubbing with other plants in the nursery or is it something else. Thanks!!! Greetings

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Tana.
      Yes, it may be due to the friction of other plants, but it could also be due to excess humidity as a consequence of the poor drainage of the substrate.
      My advice is that you transfer it to a new pot, with sandy substrates (akadama, pomx, river sand, ... whichever is easier for you to get), or else that you mix universal growing substrate with perlite in equal parts. Thus, every time you water the excess water, it can come out quickly, preventing the roots from suffocating and rotting.
      In addition, and for prevention, it is advisable to treat it with a fungicide to eliminate and / or repel fungi.
      A greeting.

      Daniela said

    Hello, I need your help please. A few weeks ago I bought a cactus. It is in a flowerpot. The problem is that I fell from the first floor of my house, since there was a lot of wind. Now it looks wrinkled from the top and looks like it is crooked and puffed up from the side.

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Daniela.
      If a cactus looks wrinkled, it is usually due to lack of watering. But is it soft?
      If so, what is happening to you is just the opposite: that you are overwatering.

      My advice is to move it to a pot a little bigger -2cm wider- with river sand or similar, and to water it once or twice a week. In the event that it does not improve, please write to us again and we will find a solution.

      A greeting.

      lucretia said

    Hi good morning. I am writing to you because I started to notice some yellow spots as if they were burns on my cacti and succulents, and now it has moved to another type of plant that I have. I don't know what to do, please help me. I wait fast answer. Greetings

      Anlly M Barrera said

    Good night . I have about 10 succulents all of different spices and a kalanchoe and it happens that each one had its own pot and in my house they were under construction and I had to put them in my room and one of them was lengthened and the kalanchoe went from light brown to green green green ... find out a little and that was due to the lack of light ... then I took them all and took them out in the sun and the next day I noticed that the one that was extended from the new leaves that were born. The edges of the leaf turned brown and wrinkled a bit and the leaves on the way look healthy. The thing is that not only that one, but 2 more plants, the banks became like brown as maron and the kalanchoe the leaves. They have brown spots in the center. But the sheet is not wrinkled or soft and I don't know what it could be ... they told me to change the earth. I will make them rice husks and eggshell m. But they remain the same and I don't know what it could be ... the sun doesn't give them direct. They are in the shade and light reaches them. If I could have a contact with you. To show you how the plants are and tell me what it could be. I would appreciate ..

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Anily.
      I suspect that what has happened to your plants has been the following:
      -In the place where they were at the beginning, perhaps it gave them the amount of light they needed.
      -Then, you put them inside the house. Not having enough light they began to grow badly.
      -Now, when they were put out again they burned. Why? Because you must have had them indoors for a long time.

      To do? My advice is that you move them to a place - outside - where the sun does not shine directly at all times, but there is a lot of light. Little by little - over months - expose them one or two more hours a month to direct light, early in the morning or in the afternoon.

      A greeting.

      Marcela said

    Hello, I wanted to ask you if someone knows what to do with a cactus that came out more less in the middle, a few white dots all around and black spots and higher up, it also came out the same. What can i do to cure it

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Marcela.
      You can treat it with an anti-mealybug insecticide that you will find on sale in nurseries.
      Anyway, if you can upload an image to tinypic and copy the link here to see it.
      A greeting.

      Elizabeth steger said

    Hi! My succulents are getting red dots that are in the central or newer leaves and in the trunk, in the trunk they make a acarapela shape, I wanted to know what it is or if there is any way to treat it! It is already on about 6 floors

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello, Elizabeth.
      From what you count, they have rust.
      To eliminate it you must avoid wetting the leaves when you water, and water two or three times a week in summer and 1-2 a week the rest of the year.
      It is also advisable to treat them with copper or sulfur in spring and autumn, spreading it over the surface of the substrate and watering later.
      A greeting.

      Sofia said

    Hello Monica! They gave me an Opuntia Microdasys that they told me that the care was not much, that I had to water it 1 time a month nothing more. I have it on my desk in my room, which sunlight does not give much but more than nothing artificial led light and the desk lamp. I went on a 10-day trip to wash it down before I go and leave it on my desk. I always look at her to see if she has something, and I don't know if she is obsessive, but where she has her "pinchesitos" those little yellow dots on the plant, one of them is black, I don't think I had seen it before. Then in the green of the cactus it has like some white / transparent spots with an irregular shape that looks like water stains on the cutlery, something like that, I don't know if it will be dirt or if it is something bad about the plant. I would like you to help me !! Thank you

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Sofia.
      Opuntia are plants that love a lot of sun. In semi-shade or shade they end up weakening a lot 🙁.
      Anyway, if you can upload a photo to tinypic and copy the link here to see it. Without a photo it occurs to me that he may be a little thirsty. It is better to water it 2 times a week.
      A greeting.

      Sofia said

    Hello, I recently commented on my cactus, I pass the links of the photo of it:
    [IMG] http://i64.tinypic.com/2eybeol.jpg [/ IMG]

         Monica Sanchez said

      I can't see the photo 🙁



         Monica Sanchez said

      Yes effectively. You should remove the affected leaves and change the soil for another that has good drainage, such as black peat mixed with perlite or river sand in equal parts.
      A greeting.

      Cynthia said

    Hello, I have a succulent that looks like twigs / little arms. I don't know what his name itself is. I have had it for two months and it was perfectly fine, I water it once a week when it is hot and once every fifteen when there are rainy seasons, but I have noticed that recently its trunk is purple and the leaves are are drying up. What is it? How can I help my succulent?

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Cynthia.
      Have you changed the pot? If you have not done it, I recommend you change it to one that is about 2cm wider, so that it can grow well.
      I also advise you to water it a little more, twice a week in the dry season, and fertilize it with a cactus fertilizer following the instructions specified on the package.
      A greeting.

      Alfred said

    Hi there! A couple of days ago I realized that the leaves of several of my crassulaceae are hollow inside. Apparently some of them are eating. Inside the leaves there is a kind of black powder with something similar to cotton.
    I imagine it must be some plague but I don't know how to fight it.
    I hope you can help me with some recommendation.

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Alfredo.
      It is very curious what you comment. I recommend treating them with a universal insecticide, in spray, spraying well all parts of the plant.
      If you do not improve, write us again.
      A greeting.

      Fetus said

    Hello, I have a kalanchoe that I transplanted 5 days ago into a 5L pot. I think I have watered it a lot to be winter (South America) ... a small hole appeared in a leaf about 2 millimeters in diameter but not complete, as if the leaf lacked meat but still had skin so to speak ... I have been reading and it may be a fungus. I don't know how to act, can you advise me

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Fetus.
      I recommend pruning the affected leaves and treating it with a spray fungicide that you will find for sale in nurseries. Spray the entire plant well and space the waterings.

      Monica villalobos said

    Hello, good afternoon. I have a succulent that they gave me. It has a very special sentimental value and I hope you can help me. Last week I noticed that the new / baby leaves at the tips were turning brown / dry and I decided to cut them off, I watered my plant and the next day I placed it in the sun, I left it there for 3 days and when I saved it I noticed that several leaves were very soft / watery and cut them and now again there are leaves like this and wrinkled. I don't want him to die, please help me. Thanks.

         Monica Sanchez said

      The first thing I recommend is that you place your plant in a single place, where it receives sunlight but not directly.
      If we talk about irrigation, you have to let the soil dry completely before watering. For this reason, it is important to check the humidity of the soil, either by inserting a thin wooden stick (if it comes out with a lot of adhering soil, we will not water because it will be very humid), or by taking the pot once it has been watered and again after a few days. (Wet soil weighs more than dry soil, so this difference in weight can serve as a guide).
      If you have a plate under it, you have to remove the excess water ten minutes after watering.

      And if it still doesn't improve, write us again. We will respond to you as soon as possible 🙂.

      A greeting.

      Manuela said

    Hello everyone, 6 months ago or a little more they gave me a cactus, I am not sure what type of cactus it is, I have searched the internet and it seems that it was of the Opuntia species (known as Chumbera), I used to water it every 10 days, I only he watered a tablespoon of water; however I noticed that it had a small light brown wound and I thought it could be drying so I took it to a place where it would receive water more constantly, however I noticed that it started to turn purple. I read on the blog and they suggest that this color is due to humidity, so again I took it to a place with more sun and although it is less purple I have noticed that it already has another wound and I am worried. What should I do to remove those wounds? I have read that they must be cut but I do not know if it is correct, also in the crown of the cactus I notice that small reddish points are growing. Is that good?
    Thanks for the help!!! In this link there are some photos of the cactus https://twitter.com/Manu_MerCy/status/881241252385222657

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello manuela.
      It looks like it has fungus. You must treat it with a fungicide spray, spraying the entire cactus well, which by the way is an opuntia, yes 🙂.
      Those little red bumps yeah, it's good.
      A greeting.

      Nalle said

    Hello, I have this succulent that has changed the color of its leaves in a couple of days and has lost a good part. Could you help me know what it has?
    [IMG] http://i66.tinypic.com/263etrm.jpg [/ IMG]

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Nalle.
      It seems that the sun is burning it.
      Have you recently had it? It is better to get used to the sun little by little and gradually, starting in early spring.
      If not, it could be lack of water.
      A greeting.

      Sara said

    Hi Monica, let's see if you can help me.
    2 months ago I was given these two Euphobias.
    I have them next to a window with indirect light all day and I water them every 15 days. Some days I move them to another window to get direct sunlight for several hours.
    One of them, only on the side that is seen in the photo, has yellow spots, and today I discovered that two very small black spots have also appeared that were not there before. What can be the cause? What should I do?
    Thank you very much in advance,
    [IMG] http://i65.tinypic.com/iyepg7.jpg [/ IMG]

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Sara.
      It does look like a mushroom. I recommend that you change the substrate, put for example pumice or clean river sand, and treat it with a spray fungicide. This way the roots will be aerated and fungi will be avoided.
      A greeting.

      Sara said

    Thank you very much for your response, Monica.
    I have no experience in this and I do not have the necessary instruments to change the substrate. Euphorbias are quite heavy (they are 80 cm.) And I am afraid to get it wrong. What should I buy, other than the gloves and the cheek pouch, and where do you recommend I buy it?
    And another thing: before changing the substrate, would it be advisable to treat it now with the fungicide? If you can give me an idea of ​​which brand of fungicide might come in handy and where to find it, I would greatly appreciate it.
    Cheers and thank you again.

         Monica Sanchez said

      You can do it in the online store Planetahuerto.com
      Regarding the fungicide. You can treat the plant once it is removed from the pot. You pulverize all the ground bread (root ball) well and then you plant it.
      Anyone based on copper will do. You can also get it in the online store, or in nurseries.
      A greeting.

      Nalle said

    Hi Moni, he died quickly. I moved it but the stem and the leaves below were already black 🙁
    Thank you!

         Monica Sanchez said

      Wow, I'm sorry. But hey, you learn from everything. The next one is sure nothing happens 🙂

      Evelyn Hernandez Nunez said


    I have several cacti and succulents, I am new to plants in general and recently I transplanted some cacti that I had since they were all in a pot and needed change, but now I see some that have soft leaves and I don't know if they are rotting or It is excess water, in the bottom of the pot I put gravel and I only used leaf soil. I transplanted them last week I have watered them 2 times and it rained in between ...
    Help some advice

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Evelin.
      From what you count, it looks like excess water.
      Water them little, once every 15-20 days, and if it rains, wait at least 5 days before watering again.
      Treat them with a fungicide spray; so the fungi will not be able to affect them.
      A greeting.

      gianpierre said

    Hello. I have had a marble flower for about three months, I water it every 15 days at first I had it in my room that has good lighting but then I took it to my patio so that the sun could reach it more. Approximately since we are in winter (I am from Peru). About a week ago the stem began to turn purple, now the leaves also begin to have that hue and they are no longer as green as before, it looks sick. It is normal? What I can do?
    I'm waiting for your answer soon…

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Gianpierre.
      Being in winter the safest thing is that it is cold; hence it is turning purple.
      I recommend you put it back inside the house, in a bright room without drafts.
      In spring, put it back in the patio, in semi-shade, since the sun could burn it.
      A greeting.

      Jay said

    Hello! I have some cacti, I think ills .. they are getting watery, their color has not changed or they have lost thorns, they live in the sun.
    all day and I only water them once a month, any advice? HELP UU

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Jary.
      If you have a plate under them, I recommend you take it off since if it rains it fills up and will stay like that for several days, which is harmful to the cacti.
      In the event that you live in a very rainy area, I would recommend having them protected from the rain.

      For the rest, water them with this frequency in winter, and in summer increase it to a weekly watering.

      A greeting.

      Mauricio Mena Cascante said

    Good morning

    I don't know much about plant care and much less about how to care for these types of plants, but a few months ago I was given a succulent and it has a very important meaning for me, but I noticed that the leaves are turning white and I don't know Because of that, I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me.

    Thanks greetings,

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Mauricio.
      Succulents have to be placed in a bright place and watered very little.
      How often do you water it?
      En this article you have more information about their care.
      If in doubt, contact us again. 🙂
      A greeting.

      Candle said

    Hello, I have a succulent with stem and leaves, my cat accidentally broke the stem and it was buried, but the part of the leaves was completely detached. Is there a way to revive it? The part of the leaves is like a root, and the stem that remains on the surface is long.

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello candela.
      Yeah right. Let it dry for 5-6 days and then plant it in a pot. This way you will have new plants.
      A greeting.

      David said

    Hello, I have a cactus (I do not know what type it is, I only know that it is one of the typical ones that appear in the movies) and it is starting to turn brown, for a little over a month I have not watered it, what do I do?

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello david.
      Ideally, put it in a room where a lot of light enters (not direct), and water it two to three times a week in summer, and every 10-15 days the rest of the year.
      If it still gets worse, please write to us again and we will tell you.
      A greeting.

      Adriana vargas placeholder image said

    Good morning Monica
    I have a kind of succulent that I have not determined the type yet. However, I've been with her for almost a month, when she got home her leaves looked green, we placed her inside the house [on the living room table] and they told me to water it every 8 days. At this moment the stem begins to look pink and the older leaves deteriorated faster, looking wrinkled, losing their size and the color step pink to tan. The leaves before these are yellow to green, some have black spots as if drops of water had fallen on them [certainly I had wiped them with a damp cloth to remove the dust from the leaves a couple of days ago]. they see green and with shoots of the same color. As it has not been much sun and the temperature has been warm, I began to investigate why I was already worried that the plant would die, yesterday I found that with a wooden stick I can measure the dryness of the earth. I did the test, the stick came out almost clean and I started to water it again, evidencing that the excess water came out through the holes, the whole earth was moistened and no water fell on the leaves

    I hope this detail is enough for you to give me a diagnosis.
    Thank you!!
    I have a photo of the plant, how would I get it to you?

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Adriana.
      You can send us a picture through our facebook. This way we can also better identify the problem.
      A greeting.