What is nitrophoska and what is it used for?

Nitrophoska helps plants stay green

So that the plants can grow strong and a little faster than they usually do, they can be given some type of fertilizer such as Nitrofoska. However, it is important to make good use of them, since if they were not done, the risk of overdose would be greater.

Taking this into account, We are going to explain what Nitrofoska is, one of the most used fertilizers, the different types that exist and how to use it so that the plants react as we expect; that is, growing up healthy.

What is nitrophoska?

Nitrofoska is a fertilizer

Image - Wikimedia / Dr. Eugen lehle

Nitrofoska is a range of complex fertilizers developed by Eurochem, a company that began as a multinational mining company and also became a manufacturer of fertilizers for plants. And it has not gone bad at all, since who does not know or has not heard of Nitrofoska? Whether you are an expert or not, it is likely that you have seen blue balls in the substrate of some of your plants, or that you have thrown them yourself.

But, what is it that differentiates this range of products from others? Well actually, not much at present as the agricultural industry is making great strides. But in its day it was something innovative: each grain, that is, each pellet, contains several nutrients (some only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK), others also micronutrients), instead of one or two that was what was done last century. With this it is possible to optimize the application.

What nutrients does the Nitrofoska fertilizer include?

Nitrofoska, whatever the type, contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Some will also have other nutrients, all of them very important for plants. Let's know what they are and what they use them for:

  • Nitrogen (N): it is the most important nutrient, since it is responsible for growth.
  • Phosphorus (P): stimulates the production of flowers, fruits and seeds, as well as roots.
  • Potassium (K): it is necessary for plants to develop well.
  • Magnesium: involved in photosynthesis.
  • Sodium: maintains the ionic balance of cells.
  • Micronutrients: calcium, iron, boron, sulfur and zinc. All of them have different functions, such as regulating growth, or the formation of flowers and fruits.
plant nutrients
Related article:
The nutrients plants need the most

Types of Nitrofoska

There are many types, depending on their formulation:

  • Nitrophoska 12 + 20 + 12
  • Nitrofoska 13 + 9 + 16 (+ 4 + 17): in addition to containing NPK, it has magnesium and sodium.
  • Nitrophoska triple 15
  • Nitrophoska 22 + 8 + 10
  • Special Nitrofoska, such as the special one for olive trees, which has NPK 20-5-10, and also magnesium, sulfur and micronutrients.
  • Nitrofoska perfect 15 + 5 + 20 (+ 2 + 20 + 0,02 + 0,01): has NPK, magnesium, sodium, boron and zinc.
  • Nitrofoska special 12 + 12 + 17 (+ 2 + 20 + 0,02 + 0,01): has NPK, magnesium, sodium, boron and zinc. You can get it this article.
  • Nitrofoska super 20 + 5 + 10 (+ 3 + 12,5 + 0,3): contains NPK, as well as magnesium, sodium, iron and boron.
  • Foliar nitrophoska. Buy it this article.

What is blue nitrophoska?

The Blue Nitrophoska is a type of Nitrofoska Special with a balanced content of nutrients, both the main ones (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), as well as some of the secondary ones, such as calcium, iron or zinc, among others. It is soluble in water, but it also releases these nutrients little by little, which is very interesting for plants to have adequate growth.

The composition is as follows: NPK 12 + 12 + 17, and it also has magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron, boron, and zinc. It is especially indicated for succulent plants (cactus, succulents) and for lawns. You want it? Buy it this article.

What is Nitrofoska for citrus?

Citrus fruits tend to have nutrient deficiencies, so today you can pay them with Nitrofoska for citrus, a specific complex fertilizer to meet your needs. There are two formulations: one is Nitrofoska 14, whose composition is NPK 14 + 7 + 17 with 2% magnesium, which is more recommended for those who tend to have yellow leaves; and the other is Nitrofoska 21, whose composition is 21 + 8 + 11, more recommended for those who do not have problems.

How is the fertilizer applied?

We want our plants to be healthy and grow well, therefore, it is highly recommended to fertilize them or fertilizers from time to time. But, as we said at the beginning, it is as important to pay as to pay well, and for this we have to read and follow the instructions for use that are on the packaging. If this is not done, we could add more than the adequate quantity, and as a consequence, the roots would suffer damage, possibly irreversible.

You must always keep in mind that more quantity does not mean greater efficiency. In fact, it happens that the more fertilizer we put in, the more risk of death the plant will have. Furthermore, we cannot expect a tree to grow, for example, 40 centimeters in a year when its natural growth rate is much slower.

With the fertilizer we can make it grow a little faster than it would be normal, but nothing exaggerated. That is, if it grows generally at a rate of 20 centimeters per year, we may be able to grow 25.

Therefore, to know how it is applied, you have to read the label on the container. But In general, it has to be poured directly on the earth, mixing it a little with it and then watering it, or else diluting it first in water. In any case, the use of gloves.

What is the best time to fertilize the plants with the fertilizer from the blue balls?

Nitrophoska is added when the plants are healthy

Plants are fertilized or fertilized when they are healthy, and when the right conditions are in place for them to grow. In other words, they are only paid, or should be paid, during spring and summer, also in autumn if there are no frosts or they are late. In winter you can add fertilizers or slow release fertilizers, but if during the rest of the year they have been well fed, it is not essential.

In addition, you must bear in mind that a diseased or recently transplanted plant must not be fertilized, as it is weak. It is better to wait a while, until you see new growth.

And you, do you usually use Nitrofoska?

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      Naurin William Higuera Romero said

    Greetings, I am a fedecacao field technician in the North of Santander area, Ocaña province, municipalities of the middle Catatumbo, Colombia. The products sound interesting, you have a supplier where we work. Thank you.

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Naurin.

      No, we only have the blog, and we manage it from Spain.



    Nitrophoska helps the flowering and good product of the lemon?
    What nutrients do you need for the growth of the lemon product and its flowering and when to apply it?

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hi Urban.
      Nitrophoska is more of a universal fertilizer; that is, it stimulates plant growth, but is not specific to flowering. If you want a fertilizer that helps the plant to flourish and bear fruit, I recommend guano, for example, which is ecological and natural. It is applied from spring to late summer, following the instructions on the package (usually a handful every two weeks or so; there is also liquid).

      If you want something more specific, in the nurseries they sell fertilizers for citrus, which are used to make them grow well and bear fruit.


      raúl nicolas diaz said

    query works for tulips and bulb plants thanks

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Raul.
      Yes, but you have to add very little. No more than a small spoonful every 15 days and only during the growth and flowering season.
      A greeting.

      Francisco Edmundo Haneine Montero said

    Thanks for the excellent information. I learned a lot.

         Monica Sanchez said

      We are glad that it was so 🙂

      Alejandro said

    Is it for the Eugenies? How often is it placed? can be placed in all seasons of the year?

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Alejandro.
      It is used for many ornamental plants, also eugenias.
      You can pay them with nitrophoska every 15 days or so. Add a handful per plant (or two if it's a meter tall or more) and water.