What are lilac flowering plants?

Lavender is a plant that produces flowers in spring and summer

Lilac is a very striking and meaningful color, so much so that more and more people are attracted to flowers of this color. In recent years it is being associated with femininity, but once it was the favorite of the nobility; however, regardless of what it means, lilac plants are very interesting to have in the garden.

Discover what are the 12 most beautiful lilac flowering plants.

In addition to lavender, a very popular shrub and very easy to grow, which you can have in very dry climates thanks to its impressive ability to withstand long periods of drought, there are other plants that I want to introduce you. They are as follows:

Butterfly bush

The butterfly bush has lilac flowers

La Buddleja davidiiAs botanists know it, it is a deciduous or semi-deciduous shrub that grows to a height of 2 to 3 meters. It is a plant that produces flowers in inflorescences of varied colors: red-violet, pink, blue, purple and also lilac, very attractive to butterflies. Unfortunately, it is an invasive species in Spain, included in the Spanish Invasive Species Catalog, their possession and trade being prohibited.


The wallflower has lilac flowers

Image - Flickr / 阿 橋 HQ

La matthiola incana It is a perennial herbaceous plant, although it can be annual if moderate frosts are registered, reaching a height of 20 to 80cm. It forms a rosette of lanceolate, green leaves, and white, pink, violet, or purple flowers bloom in spring. Put it in full sun, and enjoy.


Freesias are bulbous that have lilac flowers

Image - Wikimedia / Sgerbic

La Freesia or francesilla is a herbaceous plant whose leaves sprout from a corm (an organ that looks like a bulb). It blooms in spring, producing a flower stem of about 20-30cm. The flowers are beautiful, of varied colors: red, white, yellow, orange, and also lilac, although the latter are not so common. It is perfect for sunny or semi-shady corners.

African lily

Agapanthus is an African rhizomatous plant

El Agapanthus africanus is a herbaceous and rhizomatous perennial plant that you can have in the garden or in a pot. Its leaves are elongated, up to 35cm long, and green. In spring, it produces a white or purple umbel inflorescence that can measure up to 60cm in length.


The flowers of the Syringa vulgaris are lilac

La Syringa vulgaris It is a deciduous tree that reaches a height of 6-7m. The leaves are opposite, oval in shape, and green. In spring it produces panicle flowers of white, mauve or lilac color depending on the variety. Live well in sunny places, but it needs the temperature to drop below zero degrees in winter.


Lobelia has bluish or lilac flowers

Image - Wikimedia / André Karwath

La Lobelia differed It is an annual herbaceous plant that grows up to 20cm tall. It is a very interesting species because its small flowers cover it completely, in summer, to the point that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the foliage. Put it in a place where the sun shines directly, water it 3-5 times a week and you can enjoy its beautiful flowers well into autumn.


The jacaranda is a tree known as rosewood

El jacaranda mimosifolia It is a deciduous or semi-evergreen tree that grows up to 7m in height. It is a very advisable species to have in small-medium gardens, because although its trunk remains thin (it grows to reach a maximum thickness of 40cm), its roots can be invasive.


Hyacinths are bulbous that bloom in spring

El Hyacinthus is a genus of bulbous plants whose bulbs must be planted in autumn-winter. Thus, in spring its green and tapered leaves of about 30cm long will emerge, and its flowers, which can be white or lilac and very fragrant. They must be planted in sunny areas.

Pink lapacho

The pink lapacho is a tropical tree that blooms in spring

Image - Flickr / mauro halpern

El Handroanthus impetiginosus It is a deciduous tree that can reach a height of 30m. The most interesting thing is that ten of those meters are of trunk, so thanks to this It can be had in all kinds of gardens as long as there are no frosts in the area. Its flowers bloom in spring, shortly before the leaves do, and are pinkish-purple in color.


The lupine is a perennial herbaceous plant

Image - Wikimedia / DenesFeri

El Lupinus polyphyllus It is a herbaceous plant that lives for several years after germination. It can reach a height of up to 1m, and produces numerous cluster-shaped inflorescences of various colors: red, white, fuchsia or lilac. These sprout in summer, but you have to know that it is a plant that need light and well-drained soils.


Roses are precious shrubs

Image - Flickr / stephengg

Who does not know the rose bushes? These shrubs are the undisputed protagonists of any garden or patio. There are many colors: red, white, orange ... and of course also lilac. Place them in an area where the sun hits them directly, and water them often so they can flourish.


Tulips can be lilac

Of tulips there are many varieties and even more cultivars, but if you are looking for one that has lilac flowers we recommend the 'Lilac Perfection'. Like all of its kind, it is a bulbous plant that remains active only in spring, which is when its leaves and its beautiful flowers sprout. Yes, for that to happen it has to be in full sun.

Plants with lilac flowers are very curious and pretty, don't you think? Do you know others?

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      Gonzalo Salazar M. said

    lilac color is representative of the delicate, subtle and feminine. But lilac in flowers is a marvel that enchants men and women alike and it is a privilege to be able to have lilac flowers in your garden.

         Monica Sanchez said

      Yes, these flowers are very pretty 🙂.

      Anna Schwartmannundweissberg said

    Hydrangeas are lilac and violet, of course in addition to the plant called precisely "lilac"
    Greetings from Luxembourg.

         Monica Sanchez said

      Hello Anna.
      Yes, there is also hydrangeas white and blue 🙂